Basketball drill: ram shooting

Suitable for the following techniques: shooting , passing , rebounding

Ram shooting

This drill will help develop proper passing and shooting techniques. This drill also emphasizes communication between teammates
  1. Divide the team into four squads. One team on each block and one team on each elbow. Give each team one ball.
  2. The first person in each line shoots and follows his shot, passing it back to the next person in his line.
  3. After rebounding the ball, the shooter returns the ball to the line they were in and rotates clockwise to the end of the next spot. Rotations are shown in the diagram.
  4. All four lines work as a team and keep track of the total number of shots scored.

  • Emphasize to the players that communication is very important in this drill.
  • Players must make game-winning passes and their shots must also be taken at game level.
  • The time limit of this exercise can be changed from five minutes to whatever you like or number of shots scored
  • Also the spots on the court where the players shoot from can be varied

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: