Volleyball drill: op - engineering - stroke

Suitable for the following techniques: attack , setting , warming-up

OP - Engineering - stroke

This drill can be played in warm-up by allowing only throwing and OH. Can work with 1 attempt pass-through system or with certain amount of time. 
  1. Duos throw the ball into the net, other player defends. Variation: - Stroke into the net - Stroke on the ground then into the net - Pair with OH BH AAV to a certain goal such as a (bicycle tire) - With points system
  2. 2 players each at the starting potty with 1 ball. Play the ball to each other. Variation:  - Players each stay on 1 side: with rhythm: BH BH - OH -OH -BH BH .... Players play in a Z by means of an intermediate button, the 1st player takes the place of the 2nd. 
  3. Idem 1 but ball is thrown into the Tchouk. Player 2 defends. - Game with only BH and OH in the tchouk, point when the defender cannot defend it is a point. Max 2 contacts per player. Variation: definitely work with a playing field - If point by attack/strike = 2 points, if OH/BH = 1 point.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: