Volleyball drill: trio pass

Suitable for the following techniques: attack , defense , passing

Trio pass

  • Organization:Make trios.1 trio is on field A and 1 trio on field B.On both fields one trio is on reserveTrainer with the balls is on field B.
  • Execution:Tr. "serves" the ball to field A: pass-set-up-attackOn field B the ball is defended and caught in max 3 contactsBall is placed in the ball pitAfter the service pass the trio runs on to field B and becomes a reserveThe trio on field A becomes a reserve on field A.Immediately after the action the reserve trios enter the field.
  • Expanding:Now 2 trios on field BLoop becomes: fitting trio becomes blocking trioBlocking trio becomes defending trioThe defending trio becomes reserve on field AThe reserve on field A passes and attacks

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: