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Korfball drill: passing balls and catching

Suitable for the following techniques: running in shot

Passing balls and catching

Put a basket in front of each pair. Make sure they are lined up and that there is space on both sides for them to run through. Place a pawn at both sides at 8-9 metres.

  • One of you starts under the basket with the ball, the other near the pawn.
  • You run to the basket, get the ball and make a pass.
  • Then you run to the next pawn to make another pass ball.

Continue until someone has scored a certain number or work with a time limit.
When this is the case, the declarer and the taker switch.

The handler must of course make sure that he has caught the ball again in time to signal the next pass.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: