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Korfball drills for technique running in shot

  • This exercise is designed to let the players choose for themselves what they want to improve on.
  • Which (improvement) goal, which they have set for themselves, do they want to improve here.
  • As a trainer you can steer this by guiding the choice.
  • For example: the exercise must have something to do with passing/shooting/attacking/looking etc.
  1. Players stand in line in front of the basket.
  2. Player 1 throws the ball to player 2 and player 1 runs after it halfway and inside.
  3. Player 2 throws the ball at the moment he/she thinks the other player can make a good run through.
  4. Player 1 finishes it. (and start again at step 1)
  • Players stand next to each other.
  • The ball is thrown to player 2 and player 1 runs after it until halfway and inside.
  • Player 2 throws the ball at the moment he/she thinks the other player can make a good run through.
  • Player 1 finishes it.
  • Per pole with 2 or 3 participants you start with 20 balls which are indicated from the space.
  • When 20 have been scored you and your pole continue with the next exercise.
  • 10 distance shots from the spot.
  • Scored?
  • Move on to 10 dodge balls.
  • Each team has to score these goals.

  • Hat at 6 meters in front of the basket and a hat next to the basket at 5 meters.
  • Play the ball forward.
  • The player puts the ball on the ground and walks to the other hat and then to the basket.
  • The declarer runs to the ball and gives the other player a through ball.
  • Score together 20 times.
  • The handler stands 3 meters next to the post.
  • The handler passes the ball when asked to do so by putting his hands forward.
  • The taker catches the ball himself.
  • The handler becomes the shooter and the shooter becomes the handler. score 10 goals pp
  • Ladder exercise with run through ball
    • 1 foot in the ladder, 1 foot next to it, as fast as possible through the ladder and score 15 times
    • Sideways through the ladder with two feet in each compartment, 15 x scoring, easy pace
    • Start left of the ladder on left leg. Hop on right leg into the ladder and then next to it. Then with left leg into the ladder and next to it, then with right leg again and finish with a through ball. Do this quietly (strengthen ankle joint)
  • Ladder exercise without ball
    • With two feet in each rung, so small steps as fast as possible(5x per person)
    • Skating over the ladder from the left side outside the ladder to the right side outside the ladder.
    • 10 short sprints along the ladder with the ball. (as fast as possible)
  • Player 1 in front of the basket runs 2 metres out and receives the ball
  • Player 2 runs out from under the basket
  • Player 1 plays the ball back to player 2
  • Player 1 takes the walkthrough ball
  • 1Minute
    1. Shot > 2
    2. Passage with ball > 4
    3. Shot > 1
  • 30 sec Bridge
  • When player executes exercise, players take penalty throw`.


  • Player A starts with the ball 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post. Player B also stands 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post.
  • Player A throws the ball to player B and player B throws it back. Thus they bring the ball up to about 8 meters in front of the post.
  • From there, player B starts for a through ball from the space indicated by player A.
  • However, instead of player B taking the through ball, it now enters the declarer and player A comes in for a clearance ball. Player B catches the ball.
A variation on this:
Only throw the ball when player B runs next to/behind the basket and player B immediately makes a shot. Player A immediately runs in to catch the ball.

There are more variations on this, such as:
  • Most goals in a time frame of, say, 10 minutes
  • Who scores 10 goals first
  • Make it more difficult by deducting a point for each ball on the ground.
  • Possibly with a 3rd player to rotate and keep a slightly slower pace.

drawing Shooting from space


  • Who cracks the 4-digit code?
  • As soon as they have completed a task, they may enter a number on their code sheet.
  • After 4 digits it is indicated how many numbers are in the right place and how many numbers are correct.
  • The taker gets played late.
  • The defender is right behind him.
  • Take it easy. If the defender's back. Looking for the arm...