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Hockey drills for technique dribbling

  • Make two equal teams; team red and team blue.
  • Start with ball at orange pawn.
  • Float a lap around the green pawns and place ball with hand on pawn red.
  • Then run a lap around the green pawns without ball and tap the blue pawn with your hand.
  • Then walk another circle around the green pawns and take the ball off the red pawn.
  • Then drive a circle around the green pawns with ball and pass the ball to the next one.

  • Depending on the number of players, you can have everyone take 1, 2 or 3 turns.
  • Once a player has had her/his last turn, she/he sits on the floor.
  • If a team has all its players sitting on the ground, they win the relay.
drawing Exercise without purpose
  • With a walk-in ball
  • Playing a right front
drawing Attack over right flanks. depth run
Relay 4
  • Players blue and red start at the same time with the ball
  • Slalom around the 5 pawns --> cross --> around the green pawn and finish on goal.
  • If you score, you may immediately choose the shortest path to tap your next teammate.
  • If you miss; wide, post or the ball does not reach the goal, you make a detour via the red or blue pawn/triangle.
    • Players blue run back via the blue pawn and players red via the red.
  • When you have been, you sit on the ground.
  • The team that has all players on the ground first wins the relay.
  • Depending on the number of players, you may choose to have all players take their turn twice.
  • Switch sides halfway through the exercise.
drawing Exercise on target
Rats versus Ravens
  • Players red; the rats and players blue; the ravens all have a ball and stand with their backs to each other.
  • Trainer says r(rrrr)atten: all red players drift with ball toward the pawn line; players blue leave their ball and try to tap players red for the line.
  • The trainer says r(rrrr)aven: all blue players drive ball toward the pawn line; players red leave their ball and try to tap players blue for the line.
  • Reach the line without being tapped, you get a point.
  • Tap the player red/ blue before the line you get a point.
  • Change opponents frequently.
drawing Exercise without purpose
  • All players start with a ball in the square and dribble/drive around in it.
  • The trainer determines the moment to call stop!
  • At that moment, all players make sure the ball is stopped as quickly as possible.
  • Does the ball roll on. So does the player not have control of the ball he is off.
  • When you are off, you wait by the side.
  • The trainer may point to a waiting player to call stop!
  • As a trainer, at some point you may indicate that the players should dribble faster.
  • This makes it more difficult to stop the ball.
Note: the ball must be really still, so it should not roll a little bit.
drawing Stop!
  • Except for one player -red-, all players -blue- have one ball.
  • The red defender tries to work all balls out of the box.
  • If a blue player loses his/her ball and it has been played out of the box, she/he stands with her/his legs apart.
  • The player can be redeemed by another blue player; This one plays the ball through the legs -panna- and blue has a player back in the box.
  • Continue until all players are off.
Points of attention:
  • If it takes too long or you notice in advance that one defender is too little, appoint an extra defender.
drawing Game format: redeem by a panna.
Three-color game

  • Players all have a ball and dribble through the box of pawns.
  • Scattered through the box are pawns of three different colors; at least 4 of each color.
  • Trainer has in hand of all three colors -i.e. in the example red, blue and white.
  • Trainer puts e.g. a blue pawn in the air --> All players try to drive around all blue pawns as quickly as possible.
  • The first two players who have driven around all blue pawns get a point.
  • Then a new round begins and the trainer chooses another color pawn -or the same color.
  • Etc.
drawing Exercise without purpose
  • As trainers, create two equal teams.
  • Start the relay at the trainer's signal.
  • The players slalom around the pawns. Both ball and body around the pawns. And rounds on goal; push or flatten.
  • If the player scores, he may immediately sprint back and tap the next player.
  • If the player misses, he must take a detour via the blue pawn at the side of the field and then sprint back and tap the next player.
  • When it's your turn, you sit on the floor.
    • Depending on the number of players, you can also choose to have all players take 2 or 3 turns.
  • The next player may not start until he is tapped by the player in front of him.
  • The team that has all players on the ground first wins the relay.
  • There are different types of slalom to apply in this exercise:
    • Normal slalom
    • Slalom in which the player's body and ball are to the left or right of the pawn line
    • Slalom where the ball is to the left of the row of pawns and the body is to the right
drawing Exercise on target
  • The trainer makes two equal teams and divides them into two rows.
  • The first player on each team starts with a slalom around the green pawns.
  • Then he drives a lap around the blue pawns -right around.
  • He puts the ball on the orange pawn and sprints back to the row of players.
  • There he taps the next player.
  • This one does exactly the same thing only without ball and stick.
  • He picks up the ball from the cone and sprints back to the row.
  • There he puts the ball ready for the next player, who travels the route again with ball and stick, and so on.
  • The team that first, has all its players finish twice, is the winner of the game.
drawing Relay
1 vs. 1
  • The trainer sets out a square and gathers all the balls and players in it.
  • The trainer gives all players a number. In this example, 1 through 6.
  • The trainer calls out two numbers each time. In this example 3 and 5.
  • The player with number 3 plays a 1 vs. 1 against the player with number 5.
  • The player who scores a goal gets a point.
  • Then the coach calls two other numbers, after which a new 1 vs. 1 is played.
  • The players keep track of how many points they have made.
drawing Exercise on target
  • All but one player start with ball on the line.
  • They try to reach the other side of the field without losing the ball.
  • The defender -player red- tries to take the ball from the players -blue- and work it out of the box.
  • If a player loses his ball and the ball is played out of the box then he is finished.
  • He then helps the defender to take the balls off and work them out of the box.
  • The game continues until all players are finished.
  • The player last left wins the game.
Points of Attention:
  • Is the game finished, start over with another defender.
  • If the player commits a foul, he is also finished.
drawing Exercise without purpose

You can perform this slalom in 4 different ways:
  1. Normal slalom: player and ball move forward through the gates.
  2. Player keeps moving to the left of the gates and has the ball on the right side of his body.
  3. Player continues to move to the right of the gates and has the ball on the left side of his body.
  4. Player moves to the left of the first gate and ball passes on the right, player moves to the right of the second gate and ball passes on the right. The player continues to alternate this until the end of the slalom.
After the slalom, the player rounds the ball on goal and rejoins the back of the line.

drawing Exercise on target