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Korfball drills for technique shoot / score / shot

  • One person shoots from in front of the basket.
  • One person stands at the back left of a pawn, the other at the back right of a pawn, about 5 meters from the post and between each other.
  • The one in front of the basket shoots.
  • When the ball is loose, the two people in front of the basket start the rebound duel.
  • When they have won the rebound 3 times, they may shoot.
  • Work in pairs. (unless there is no other way)
    • Shot from 4 meter from stand.
    • Shot from movement right 4/5 meter.
    • Shot from movement left 4/5 meter.
    • Short chance left at 3 meter.
    • Short chance right at 3 meter.
    • Penalty throw.
    • Walk-through ball.
    • Shot at 6 meter.
  • Working with 2 teams you let every player shoot for 2 minutes, after that you switch functions.
  • You are 4 minutes per round.
  • Note the scores on a list, so you can see if there is improvement later in the season.
  • Working with 3 teams, you work 1 minute per shot.

3 or 4 at a pole.

  • Play around with each other. Someone takes the catch after a pass, this is player 1.
  • Player 2 is the one who just received the ball and is going to pass the deep line.
  • Player 3 moves towards player 2, is "front defended" and runs a deep line.
  • Player 2 passes a tight ball with a small arc to Player 3.
  • Player 3 takes a shot.
  • Player 1 catches, passes out to any team-mate and rejoins.


  • Instead of shooting, player 3 makes a shooting move.
  • Player 1 steps out from the rebound.
  • Player 3 passes to Player 1 and takes a walkthrough.

  • 4 players play around the post.
  • One player takes the rebound.
  • The other three keep a triangle around the post and keep playing around with the three of them.
  • The rebound player moves to the side where the ball is, gets the ball and shoots.
  • Variant
    • The rebound player steps out to the near post, receives the ball and passes to the far post.
    • Both can also be combined, with the rebound player opting to pull away and pass on the ball.
    • Other players must recognise their choice and make the right decision
  • Divide the team in groups of 2, max 3
  • Each group starts on its own pole
  • Per pole you score X number of goals
  • Finished? Then move on to another pole (may be random, may be in order)
  • Finally score X number of goals on your own pole.
  • Who is the first to score on all the poles wins.
  • Posts in a square
  • One forward per pole
  • Other players take through balls from the middle.
  • Instead of completing the walkthrough, the player who came up to the post pulls away for a short distance.
  • The player who came up to the goal runs through, takes off one more time, gets the ball and shoots.
  • Change after every shot.
  • The ball starts under the basket and is thrown to the child in front of the basket.
  • The child under the basket then runs after the ball to defend.
  • It is important that the attacker is central. With too much defensive pressure, the attacker cannot practice.

  • Keep moving and make sure the pass comes from the space.
  • There is always room for a break-through or a shot.
  • The third player takes care of the catch and plays the ball again.
  • In the 1:1 you try to score 2x in 1 minute.
  • The defender makes choices which ball she defends.
  • The attacker and the passer play this out together.
  • attack, defend and pass each 3x 1 minute.
  • Variant on shot movement triangle
    • Instead of a shot
    • Start rebounding away for a short chance
    • Front player remains in play-off position
    • Indicates position of rebound (1/5)
  • Variant 2:
    • Frontline player runs one back (space)
    • Ball diagonal and throwing player comes next to it
drawing Variant of triangle shot movement
  • Per pair both score 2 times on 4/5 meter then to the next pole (can overtake each other).
    • Team that is first back to their own basket wins.
  • Idem db 4 per person (PP)
  • Idem 4 dots pp, wrong is start counting again at 0
  • Shot pp from pylon (distance), score 3, is get pylon in the middle.
    • Are they gone, you may take them away from another, until you have 5 as a pole.
drawing competition large field
  • You have two attackers on the side in the middle between two baskets.
  • The attacker must try to score with the help of the two players.
  • At an interception, the defender becomes the attacker.
  • When a goal is scored, the attacker gets a bonus and is allowed to keep attacking, only now he has to attack the other basket.
  • When three goals have been scored, the winning attacker is rested and exchanged with a declarer.
drawing Attacking with double touch on the side