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Hockey drill: pass, turn and walk

Suitable for the following techniques: passing dribbling

Pass, turn and walk

:To increase ball skills by alternating between playing without and with the ball, floating, hitting and bouncing.

:A square just outside the circle is set up

  1. The player outside the square plays the ball into the square.
  2. The ball is accepted by player 1. He takes the ball and drives around the pawn to point C.
  3. At point C he plays the ball into the square to player 2 and runs on to point D.
  4. Player 2 plays the ball to point D so player 1 can pick up the ball there.
  5. Player 1 walks to the edge of the circle and shoots at the goal from inside the circle.
  6. Before turning, player 1 takes the place of player 2; Player 2 goes to play the ball; The player who played the ball in becomes player 1.



  • Instead of shooting at the goal, you can also tip the ball in.
  • Player 2 can play and pass instead of taking the ball.
  • The exercise can also be played from the other side.

Points of attention:

  • The ball stays on the stick. When the ball is attached to the stick it is almost impossible to take it away without a foul.
  • Player 2 must play the ball in the right direction.
  • To make sure the exercise runs smoothly, there must always be a reserve player at points F and G.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: