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Korfball drill: shooting and rebound

Suitable for the following techniques: shoot rebound

Shooting and rebound

The focus in this exercise is on finishing chances and timing in the rebound.
If you do not score goals quickly enough, you will lose the game.

  • Goal is to score 5 goals.
  • The rebounder under the basket plays against the shooter in front of the basket. Which of the two players scores 5 goals first?
  • The rebounder starts as a pointer such that the shooter has to shoot on the move outside the 4 meters.
  • The rebounder may shoot only if he or she catches the ball in one shot without scoring a goal.
  • If one player scores 5 goals this player is the winner and all other groups stop play
  • This basket is the winner's basket, the basket furthest from this is the loser's basket
  • Then per pole each winner -the player who scored the most of the 5 points- moves 1 place towards the winner's basket.
  • The loser -the player who scored the least of the 5 points- moves 1 place in the opposite direction, towards the loser's basket
  • In case of a tie, you take penalty throws; the player who misses first is the loser.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: