Korfball drills for technique shoot / score / shot
- One ball per pair/three.
- Players throw across until they reach a pole.
- At the pole, both players may shoot once.
- Then they must again throw over to another pole.
- All groups just go right through each other.
- Whichever two/three has 15 goals (optional) first.
- 3 groups at pawns
- Run to the hoop
- Through there, through to pawns
- walk across footbridge
- jumping over stick
- Finally shoot (2 attempts)
- Whoever scores 5 times first (collect pawns)
- One ball per pair/three.
- Players throw across until they reach a pole.
- At the pole, both players may shoot once.
- Then they must again throw over to another pole.
- All groups just go right through each other.
- Whichever two/three has 15 goals (optional) first.
The chaos game is fun for younger children, but can also be played with older ones.
- In the chaos game, the idea is for each child to have a ball, and 3 to 4 poles (also depending on the number of players)
- Line up in a row.
- Each player starts at the same pole,
- There is a countdown and then they all start shooting,
- If they score, they move up one pole,
- If they don't score, they stay at the post until they do.
- You can agree in advance whether they have to pass each pole 1, 2 or 3 times depending on the level.
- Variation: you can use pawns to mark a circle outside of which the players must shoot,
- They may enter it only to catch the ball.
- Materials below are for 4 people (hat = pawn)
The goal is to score 125 times per team all together in the following 5 tasks. After each assignment there is an intermediate exercise for variety:
- Assignment 1: Walk-through balls: score 30 x
- Exercise 1: 20 sit-ups
- Assignment 2: Front basket shots from movement: score 30 x. Change every 3 shots!
- Intermediate assignment 2: 20 push-ups
- Assignment 3: shots 6 meters sin around the basket with intermediate pass: score 30 x. Exchange after 2 shots So play in and get back.
- Intermediate task 3: 30 squads
- Assignment 4: penalty throws: 2
- Intermediate task 4: 30 jumping jacks
- Assignment 5: Back basket shots from movement: 25 . Rotate posts 180° if necessary. change every 3 shots.
- 1 declarer throws the ball to the person in front of the basket
- He then takes a shot
- If the ball is caught under the basket, he goes inside and takes a through ball
- Finally, he then takes a short chance
- Exchange by.
- The person who aimed goes to indicate.
- The declarer closes in behind.
- Point count:
- Shot counts 2x
- Walk through counts 1x
- Short chance counts 1x
- You can play this as follows e.g. who reaches the 20 first
- Or 1 minute and then see who has the most points per basket
- Divide the group into pairs. Each pair has a ball and a basket with four hats.
- Plot the field as shown in the drawing.
- Player 1 starts at the hat in front of the basket, player 2 is the give-up.
- Player 1 starts with a broadside and then tightly sets up for the through ball.
- After the through ball, player 1 keeps moving close to the basket for a short chance.
- Finally, player 1 makes a deep line for the shot.
- After this, player 1 alternates with player 2.
To make it competitive, you can tie points to the different goals.
Through-ball and short chance count for 1, the distance shot for 2. Three chances hit in one turn gives 5 points. Not scoring is 1 point deduction. Who scores 25 points first and which post has both players with 25 points first.
Through-ball and short chance count for 1, the distance shot for 2. Three chances hit in one turn gives 5 points. Not scoring is 1 point deduction. Who scores 25 points first and which post has both players with 25 points first.

Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored.
- Each playing card shows a "color": clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds.
- Each color represents an exercise:
- Hearts: through-ball
- Spades: penalty throw
- Clubs: shot front side
- Diamonds: shot back side
- If they took a card, number is what the card indicates
- For example, Hearts 4 = 4 through balls
- Ace is 1 or 11 own choice
- The first group with 50 points has won.
There are four hats in front of each basket.
- Player 1 under the post with the ball
- Player 2 stands at the first hat and receives the ball
- Player 1 places the ball back and makes the running moves (See drawing) The player making the running moves taps the hats with his hand. The running motion is sideways, forwards and backwards
- Upon returning to the first hat, the ball is played and shot, sideways movement and shot.
- After 5 changes

Roll a (large) die:
- 1 = 10 walk-through balls
- 2 = 15 push ups
- 3 = 10 distance shots in front (change every two shots)
- 4 = 15 sit-ups
- 5 = 20 short odds
- 6 = 10 burpees
Teams of 2 to 3.
- 2 people at a pole.
- Each player has a color hat
- Player 1 starts and has 2 attempts of 2 meters to score. If player 1 scores then they may move the hat 1 meter back.
- Swap and then player 2 starts at 2 meters with 2 chances. Does player 2 score within the 2 chances then he may also move the hat back one meter.
- Are missed within the 2 goal attempts then the hat goes 1 meter forward.
- Whoever makes it to the 8 meters on the front and back first.
- If a player has passed the 8 meters on the front then in the next round he goes to the 2 meters on the back. If this is missed then he goes to the 8 meters in front again.
- Put the poles in the middle of the room
- Put the number of players under the pole and the rest start at the back of the pole (See drawing).
- Player runs the pattern and makes through balls in the first round. Each time a player gets to a pylon, first the ball is played out, then played in and immediately makes the running action toward the post.
- In the second round, the walk-through ball is replaced with a swerve ball with a shot.