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Volleyball drill: serving

Suitable for the following techniques: attack serving


You have to score!


  • For this exercise, the field is divided in two lengthwise 
  • Four persons on one side, four on the other side.
  • 3 and 4 (1) serve. 
  • Player 2 passes the ball (2), 
  • player 1 gives a set up (3) and  
  • player 2 smashed the ball straight (4) so not diagonally.
  • If 1 and 2 score together, they change spots, so 2 will be playmaker, and player 1 is going to pass and attack.
  • if 1 and 3 DO NOT score, the attacker is going to serve, the playmaker is going to attack, and the server is going to be playmaker. The attacker is 'punished' because he did not score.

What is scoring here? Make clear agreements, for example a ball hit along the line.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: