Basketball drills for technique warming-up
- Rebounder pass the outlet pass to guard
- Forward runs the line, receives pass from guard
- Guards cuts to finish the break
- Guard lay up
- Rebounder lay up
- Center stops on 3 point line, guard and flyer cut for lay-up, center passes left or right
- Center stops on 3 point line, guard and flyer cut for lay-up, no pass, they go back out for baseline shot

- Run layups from the baseline.
- One side catches the ball and the other side makes a layup.
- Different variations over left and right:
- Standard Lay-up over left and right.
- Lay-up with pass over left and right.
- Power lay-up over left and right.
- Get under the board and finish over left and right.
- Catch and Shoot.
All variations 15 hit over each side.

Divide the group into 2 teams.
- Tell the story that it is autumn and the nuts are falling from the trees.
- We are a group of squirrels and we need to gather as many nuts as we can to survive the winter. The team with the most nuts wins.
- The coach scatters the nuts (can be ping pong balls, tennis balls or other small balls).
- On the coach's signal, all players may start collecting nuts all dribbling.
- They may bring one nut at a time to their nest.
- When all the nuts are collected, we count the nuts per team and the team with the most nuts wins.
- The chaos forces the little players to look around and not at the ball when they are dribbling.
- dribbling with weak hand

Tag game - ideal as a warm-up for players U8 - U10
- 1 Ticker (the bird of prey)
- The others are little birds
- The little birds start on the sideline and must dribble over to the other sideline.
- They must not be tapped by the big bird of prey.
- If they are tapped, they become a fowler.
- At the spot where they are tapped, they put the ball between their feet and become additional, stationary tickers.
- The winner is the last player who is not tapped. This one can become the new bird of prey in the next game.
- Dribbling with the weak hand only
- Predator with a ball

Goal is to put 3 in a row.
- Make 2 teams
- From each team, 1 player runs with a colored hat and places it in a hoop
- When the first player returns the 2nd player of the team starts, then the 3rd.
- When there is 1 hat of each color the 4th player may move a colored hat to get 3 in a row.
- Take a lap around the field. On the long sides jog, on the short sides walk.
- Stand upright, feet hip-width apart. Make 20 squats at slow pace.
- Stand upright, feet hip-width apart. Make 20 jump squats. Begin with arms extended above your head. To add extra power to the jump; Drop your arms along your body while bending your knees. Swing the arms through to the back and jump while moving your arms back forward and up. Keep your back straight, hips back, feet flat on the ground.
- Do lunges in three positions per leg. Basic position; stand upright with your feet slightly apart.
- Put your right leg straight ahead and bend the knee 90 degrees. Your left knee as close to the ground as possible; come up.
- Put your right leg, with the foot turned slightly forward to the right side. Bend your left knee. Return to base position.
- Put your right leg back, bend your left knee. Return to base position.
- Put your left leg straight ahead and bend the knee 90 degrees. Your right knee as close to the ground as possible; come up.
- Put your left leg, with the foot turned slightly forward to the left side. Bend your right knee. Return to base position.
- Put your left leg back, bend your right knee. Return to base position.
- Make a lap along the field. On the long sides jog. On the short sides sprint.
- 3 Rows on the baseline.
- The middle player has the ball and starts the weave with the 2 outer players.
- On the other baseline are 2 players with a ball.
- The middle man makes a lay up and the outside players get the ball from the players on the baseline and take a shot.
- The player who ran the lay up runs the weave back with them.

- Starting position:
- 1 group near the center line, right
- 1 group a few meters behind the center line, middle
- Ball in the middle
- Progression:
- Player 1 dribbles up to the three-point line
- Player 1 passes to player 2 who runs along
- Player 2 does a lay-up
- Player 1 takes the rebound and makes an outlet pass to player 2 who runs through
- Player 2 connects in the middle
- Player 1 connects on the right
- Progression:
- Player 1 dribbles in 3 dribbles to the three-point line
- Player 1 dribbles in 2 dribbles to the three-point line
- Extra defender under goal
- Score 10 layups in a row or as many as there are players
- Player 2 does another layup on the other side of the court
- Player 2 does several more ball handling drills before reconnecting
- Regression:
- Reduce distance to three-point line

- Starting position:
- 1 group near the center line, right
- 1 group a few meters behind the center line, middle
- Ball in the middle
- Progression:
- Player 1 dribbles in 2 dribbles to the three-point line
- Player 1 passes to player 2 who runs along
- Player 2 does a layup
- Player 1 takes the rebound and makes an outlet pass to player 2 who runs through
- Player 2 connects in the middle
- Player 1 connects on the right
- Progression:
- Extra defender under goal
- Score 10 layups in a row (or as many as there are players)
- Regression:
- Reduce distance to three-point line

- Starting lineup:
- 3 players in offense
- 3 players in defense
- Otherwise, players behind the end line in 3 groups
- Coach behind the end line
- Process:
- Coach gives a pass to 1 of the offense players
- Defense does a good close out
- Player 3 against 3
- Defense becomes offense
- Offense connects in the back

- Starting lineup:
- 1 group left under goal, second player a ball.
- 1 group right under goal, first player a ball.
- Coach stands just in front of goal.
- Progression:
- Player 1 without ball runs around the coach and receives the pass from player 2 and does a lay-up.
- Player 2 runs around the coach and receives the ball from the next player and does a lay-up.
- Players take their own rebound.
- Pass ball to own side.
- Progression:
- Coach takes a step backwards.
- Coach takes another step backwards.
- Regression:
- Taking shot instead of layup.

- Starting lineup:
- 1 group bottom left bucket
- 1 group top left bucket
- 1 group right bottom bucket
- 1 group right top bucket
- 1 ball
- Sequence:
- Player 1 passes to player 4
- Player 4 passes back to player 1 who comes running towards him
- Player 1 does a hand-off to player 4
- After this, the next session starts:
- Player 1 to player 4
- Player 4 to player 2
- Player 2 to player 3
- Player 3 to player 1
- This exercise lasts max 2 minutes and serves to get players alert
- Progression:
- With 2 balls
- With 3 balls