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Hockey drills

  • Create 2 teams
  • Select 3 defenders
  • Put 2 goals on the 23-meter line
  • The 3 defenders play the ball around
  • White offers and tries to score on the big goal
  • If blue takes the ball away, they can get right by driving one of the 2 gates -from 2 sides.
  • They may also tackle the bowl to divert
drawing Shifting in party form
  • Create 2 teams
  • Select 3 defenders
  • Put 2 goals on the 23-meter line
  • The 3 defenders play the ball around
  • White offers and tries to score on the big goal
  • If blue takes the ball away, they can get right by driving one of the 2 gates -from 2 sides.
  • They may also tackle the bowl to divert
drawing Shifting in party form
Exercise 1:
  • Warm up - 1x walk across
  • Jogging 4x
  • 70% sprint
Exercise 2:
  • Running around and between the pawns.
Exercise 3: Passing over
  • Handball
  • Push
  • Sliding
  • Flatting
NOTE: Take everything on the forehand!
drawing Warm-up
  • 2 vs.
  • A plays scoop on C.
  • C accepts and enters into a 2-on-1 with B.
  • Defender may not start outside the circle/dotted line
drawing 2 vs.
  • Player A plays B in the run.
  • B runs banana into the circle and plays C to the edge of the circle in the guard!

  • Exercise 1: C shoots at the goal.
  • Exercise 2: C plays at the 2nd post and D scores.
drawing Running banana and scoring
Practice starts with 3 players together in the middle.
Situation is when the corner is deflected and there is a quick breakout with overtal.

  • A plays B in the run.
  • B takes the ball and, with 1x touch, plays C who runs outside.
  • C plays D who tips the ball in or hits the goal in 1 go.
drawing Overtal after defending corner against
- 4 players in the build-up
- 2 defenders

  • Build-up starts with central defender A
  • Left back B drops out and receives ball from A
  • Left back C gives way and receives ball from B
  • C slaloms through pawns and turns back on forehand
  • B bids to the back of C and receives ball back from C
  • C plays into A and runs towards the circle
  • A plays D in the run and runs towards the circle
  • A, C and D try to score with a 3 against 2
Pass B-C-D-A

drawing Superstructure with bowl
  • A plays C in the run.
  • C takes the ball on the move, turns and shoots/flattens hard at the 2nd post.
  • B tips the ball into the goal.
Turn counter-clockwise.

drawing Attack over left with tip-in
  • Player A flattens the ball wide to the right.
  • B takes the ball open and plays it deep to C who has come running in to the line.
  • C immediately plays the ball wide back to B who offers himself there.
  • B plays the ball to D who offers himself from inside the circle OUTSIDE the circle.
  • D runs with the ball along the back line back into the circle and plays the ball to the head where A is standing meanwhile.
  • A shoots at the goal.
B to A
A to C - white to blue
C to D - blue to orange
D to B - orange to red
B to A - red pawn to white
drawing Shifting play from left to right
  • Three pairs.
  • Player 1 plays player 2 in the run.
  • Quick turn over forehand.
  • Sprint around pawn with ball on stick.
  • In the stick adjust on player 1.
  • Player 1 does the same.
drawing Play-in warm-up
  • 2 goals of pawns and a goal is scored when the ball is played between the pawns and accepted under control.
  • The scoring side then leaves the ball for the other side.
  • Goals can be scored by either team.
  • Play may continue behind the goals and scoring from front to back and vice versa.
drawing game 3 against 3
  • 5 players on the 5-meter circle with 6 balls
  • 1 player at the penalty spot
  • Player on the dot offers himself on the edge of the circle, takes the ball and shoots at the goal within 3 seconds
  • Sprints back to the spot, and offers himself again for ball 2 at the head of the circle
  • Everyone on the dot once or twice
drawing condition rounding on goal