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Hockey drills for technique warming-up

Sprint around the pawns, always via the middle pawn.

there is 1 ticker and the rest have to try to grab the stretcher and eventually the tennis ball along 2 sides of the square if the ticker ticks you you have to put the stretcher back and try again
- you can also make it increasingly difficult or easier
e.g.: the one who is tapped out of game or make bigger square
1) the player jumps over the fence and then jumps from where she stands with 1 leg into the hoop and back for the next fence
so on until the end
2) you jump sideways over the fence and then jump with 1 leg into the 2 hoops, are you at the outer hoop you jump over the hoop back next to the fence.
3) you jump over one fence sideways and back with 1 big step you jump to the other fence and jump back over it and back and then sprint to the little pawn.
then over the ladder.
Warm up exercise in relay form

  • Divide the players into groups of 2 or 3 players and place them on the left side of the field.
  • Give each player a tennis ball.
  • At the start sign, the 1st player of each group starts running to the other, right, side with a ball.
  • Once there, they put the ball outside the line and run back as fast as they can so that player 2 of their group can start running with his/her ball.
  • When all the balls are on the right side and the last player has returned to his/her group, it is over.
  • The first one back to his/her group wins.
Each exercise 2x so 2 rounds
  1. Dribble
  2. Exercise right
  3. Exercise left
  4. Exercise both sides
  • Dribbling
  • Ground touch
  • Heels buttocks
  • Lift the knee
  • Connecting pass sideways
  • Cross pass
drawing Warming up
  • A pushes or B
  • B passes alternately to C or D.
  • They round on goal.
drawing Strike left or right
  • Make 2 equal teams.
  • Each team gets an attacking goal.
  • Rights to score can be fetched in 1 of the 2 boxes.
  • On offense or ball loss, rights must be retrieved again.
drawing Warm-up ball possession high tempo
Attack down the right with a tip-in.

  • Teach players to execute the attack over the right side.
  • Focus on using a tip-in as a finishing technique.
  • Important to recognize the timing and position of the tip-in.
  • Players should also learn when to take the ball and turn away from the goalkeeper.
drawing Attack
  • Position play 0 against 0
  • Then 3 against 1
drawing positional play 3 against 0 and 3 against 1
  • Taking the ball and passing it straight back
  • Crossing diagonally with warm-up exercise
drawing Ball playing and crossing
Warm up three exercises
Exercise 1: Overplay
Exercise 2: Run and play.
Exercise 3: Run to the left and play.

Exercise 1: Overplay.
  • Two players face each other, both near the bar with 1 ball.
  • They play the ball to each other on the forehand.
- They must keep the stick low when attacking the ball and the ball must be pushed.

Exercise 2: Run and play.
  • Groups of 3 or 4 players.
  • 2 players on one side of the bar with ball, the others on the opposite side.
  • One player with ball starts walking to the other side.
  • Halfway, the player passes the ball to a player on the other side.
  • That player takes the ball and now runs to the middle himself and then passes the ball on.
  • Once the ball is played, the player continues to run across to the other side.
- They must keep the stick low when taking the ball.
- Left elbow forward as you run with the ball.
- Walk in when the ball is played to you.

Exercise 3: Run to the left and play.
  • Groups of 3 or 4 players.
  • 2 players on one side of the bar with ball, the others on the opposite side.
  • Same as exercise 2 but now the player does not run straight ahead with the ball but in an arc to the left and then plays the ball.
  • When the ball is played, the player continues walking to the other side.
- Stick low when taking the ball.
- Ball stays to the right of the player as he/she runs the arch to the left.
- Walk in when the ball is played to.
drawing Warming up
  1. Piece float.
  2. Indian dribble.
  3. Forehand - then take backhand ball - red-.
  4. Backhand - then take backhand ball - blue-.
  5. Expand to relay and switch sides.
drawing Parcour