Korfball drills
- One ball per pair/three.
- Players throw across until they reach a pole.
- At the pole, both players may shoot once.
- Then they must again throw over to another pole.
- All groups just go right through each other.
- Whichever two/three has 15 goals (optional) first.
- One ball per pair/three.
- Players throw across until they reach a pole.
- At the pole, both players may shoot once.
- Then they must again throw over to another pole.
- All groups just go right through each other.
- Whichever two/three has 15 goals (optional) first.
The chaos game is fun for younger children, but can also be played with older ones.
- In the chaos game, the idea is for each child to have a ball, and 3 to 4 poles (also depending on the number of players)
- Line up in a row.
- Each player starts at the same pole,
- There is a countdown and then they all start shooting,
- If they score, they move up one pole,
- If they don't score, they stay at the post until they do.
- You can agree in advance whether they have to pass each pole 1, 2 or 3 times depending on the level.
- Variation: you can use pawns to mark a circle outside of which the players must shoot,
- They may enter it only to catch the ball.
- Materials below are for 4 people (hat = pawn)
- 1 attacker and defender stand in 1/4 of the basket. The other 3 attackers and defenders do the same.
- The attackers may only stand in 1 box by themselves with the defender. There may never be 2 attackers in 1 box at the same time.
- This way they will play 4-0 and after each pass they have to switch squares by the one who threw.
- After that you can always extend it to 3-1 if it is too difficult. For example, by setting up a catch or give-up.

Per 3 players at the basket:
- With pawns, divide the attacking area around the basket into 4 "areas".
- There are players in 3 of these 4 areas.
- When player white passes the ball to player blue, player white moves to the free area.
- Player blue plays through to player red and then also fills the free area.
- Give a signal on which may be shot. The other 2 will fill in the rebound from the space. (In the D1 we do this by first setting up a support and then making an attack from the support. This may be from distance or through ball, Let the players think for themselves who best fills this position).
- Then play out again and repeat.

- 1 declarer throws the ball to the person in front of the basket
- He then takes a shot
- If the ball is caught under the basket, he goes inside and takes a through ball
- Finally, he then takes a short chance
- Exchange by.
- The person who aimed goes to indicate.
- The declarer closes in behind.
- Point count:
- Shot counts 2x
- Walk through counts 1x
- Short chance counts 1x
- You can play this as follows e.g. who reaches the 20 first
- Or 1 minute and then see who has the most points per basket
Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored.
- Each playing card shows a "color": clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds.
- Each color represents an exercise:
- Hearts: through-ball
- Spades: penalty throw
- Clubs: shot front side
- Diamonds: shot back side
- If they took a card, number is what the card indicates
- For example, Hearts 4 = 4 through balls
- Ace is 1 or 11 own choice
- The first group with 50 points has won.
- 1 person is the ticker
- The ticker is going to try to tickle as many people as possible, ticked? Then hold each other's hands until the pendulum is very long!
Red dots are the tickers. They are not allowed to let go of each other. The blue dots are the people who have yet to be tapped.

- Everyone stands at his/her pawn 5 meters from the basket.
- One player has the ball and shoots.
- The others engage in the rebound duel-the shooter, too, if necessary.
- Whoever has the ball then gets to shoot.
- Who will have 10 goals first?

- Shot game in 2-team form. Playing against the other baskets.
- One of the two will shoot. If 2x is scored you call out to the coach.
- If you are the fastest, you have won and on all baskets the pairs are changed.
- The one who finishes first has earned a point.
- The other of the pair catches the ball.
- If the ball bounces on the ground then a goal goes off.
- Variation possible through through balls and off movement.
- Pay attention to the passing. Where does someone want the ball when you pass?
- Out of motion: keep moving after your shot to receive the ball. You keep running until you receive the ball again.
2 teams play a game.
- Instead of baskets, you must score by throwing at a cone.
- This cone is in the center of the circle and around it are players.
- One player stands in front of the pawn to protect it.
- The players around this one player must try, by passing the ball quickly around, to throw at the pawn.
- Meanwhile, the player in front of the pawn tries to intercept the ball and defend the pawn.
- When the ball is intercepted, he/she gets a point and the ball goes back to the outside.
- Switching: when the pawn is hit, the player gets a point and switches places with the player in the middle.
- Whoever has the most points wins.
Goal: Playing together as attackers and intercepting the ball as defenders.
- Make throw-overs more difficult: two in the middle, throw with left.
- Making overthrowers easier: With two balls.

- There are 2 players per post.
- When a player has scored, they may step back,
- After 3 attempts not scored then the player stands as a catch and it is player 2's turn.
- If the person standing under the basket does not catch the ball at once the player shooting must take a step forward.
- You can get closer than 1 step in front of the basket.