Korfball drills
- One ball per pair/three.
- Players throw across until they reach a pole.
- At the pole, both players may shoot once.
- Then they must again throw over to another pole.
- All groups just go right through each other.
- Whichever two/three has 15 goals (optional) first.
- One ball per pair/three.
- Players throw across until they reach a pole.
- At the pole, both players may shoot once.
- Then they must again throw over to another pole.
- All groups just go right through each other.
- Whichever two/three has 15 goals (optional) first.
Per 6 at the basket:
- 2 attackers with one defender each and 2 free attackers.
- The defenders try to prevent the rebound of the attackers
- As soon as the rebound is found, one of the attackers may shoot + 2nd chance
- How do I prevent the rebound?
- What is the right way to do this?

The goal is to score 125 times per team all together in the following 5 tasks. After each assignment there is an intermediate exercise for variety:
- Assignment 1: Walk-through balls: score 30 x
- Exercise 1: 20 sit-ups
- Assignment 2: Front basket shots from movement: score 30 x. Change every 3 shots!
- Intermediate assignment 2: 20 push-ups
- Assignment 3: shots 6 meters sin around the basket with intermediate pass: score 30 x. Exchange after 2 shots So play in and get back.
- Intermediate task 3: 30 squads
- Assignment 4: penalty throws: 2
- Intermediate task 4: 30 jumping jacks
- Assignment 5: Back basket shots from movement: 25 . Rotate posts 180° if necessary. change every 3 shots.
This exercise is best performed with 12 people.
Divide the group into 4 triplets.
The groups will play 3-on-3 with the defending side being given a specific task:
Divide the group into 4 triplets.
The groups will play 3-on-3 with the defending side being given a specific task:
- Group 1: Defending behind with pressure within the 6 meter zone on the ladies;
- Group 2: Forward defending;
- Group 3: Give 100% Pressure on the gents and the ladies are going to try to steal balls;
- Group 4: Gives 1 gentleman and 1 lady 100% pressure. The remaining team members should support both.
- 1 attacker and defender stand in 1/4 of the basket. The other 3 attackers and defenders do the same.
- The attackers may only stand in 1 box by themselves with the defender. There may never be 2 attackers in 1 box at the same time.
- This way they will play 4-0 and after each pass they have to switch squares by the one who threw.
- After that you can always extend it to 3-1 if it is too difficult. For example, by setting up a catch or give-up.

- 1 declarer throws the ball to the person in front of the basket
- He then takes a shot
- If the ball is caught under the basket, he goes inside and takes a through ball
- Finally, he then takes a short chance
- Exchange by.
- The person who aimed goes to indicate.
- The declarer closes in behind.
- Point count:
- Shot counts 2x
- Walk through counts 1x
- Short chance counts 1x
- You can play this as follows e.g. who reaches the 20 first
- Or 1 minute and then see who has the most points per basket
- Divide the group into pairs. Each pair has a ball and a basket with four hats.
- Plot the field as shown in the drawing.
- Player 1 starts at the hat in front of the basket, player 2 is the give-up.
- Player 1 starts with a broadside and then tightly sets up for the through ball.
- After the through ball, player 1 keeps moving close to the basket for a short chance.
- Finally, player 1 makes a deep line for the shot.
- After this, player 1 alternates with player 2.
To make it competitive, you can tie points to the different goals.
Through-ball and short chance count for 1, the distance shot for 2. Three chances hit in one turn gives 5 points. Not scoring is 1 point deduction. Who scores 25 points first and which post has both players with 25 points first.
Through-ball and short chance count for 1, the distance shot for 2. Three chances hit in one turn gives 5 points. Not scoring is 1 point deduction. Who scores 25 points first and which post has both players with 25 points first.

Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored.
- Each playing card shows a "color": clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds.
- Each color represents an exercise:
- Hearts: through-ball
- Spades: penalty throw
- Clubs: shot front side
- Diamonds: shot back side
- If they took a card, number is what the card indicates
- For example, Hearts 4 = 4 through balls
- Ace is 1 or 11 own choice
- The first group with 50 points has won.
- The player faces the basket.
- Player jumps sideways over the two hurdles and runs sideways to the hat.
- Gets played the ball and takes a shot;
- The player jumps forward over the two hurdles and sprints to the hat
- Then the player sprints to the post and then takes a through ball
- We score 20x with the hats on the right side and 20x with the hats on the left side.

2-minute walk-through ball and shot take.
- In threes or twos to the basket.
- There is constantly 1 person working for 2 minutes, ideally 2 people for rebounding.
- There are pawns/slip dots in a square around the basket, about 4 meters apart.
- Player 1 starts at the first pawn, walks in for a through ball.
- Then walks out to the second pawn and takes the shot there.
- Goes to the third pawn and makes another through ball there etc.
- After 1 minute it is the next player's turn.
For 2 minutes take away balls .
- You have 2 attackers with a ball each.
- After 2 minutes 1 of the others becomes shooter.
- Who of the 3 team is the best shooter.
- Possibly a 2nd turn to improve.
- Players stand two by two 12 meters apart. They throw the ball across to the other side and sprint after the ball. 10x per person

- 2 people at a pole.
- Each player has a color hat
- Player 1 starts and has 2 attempts of 2 meters to score. If player 1 scores then they may move the hat 1 meter back.
- Swap and then player 2 starts at 2 meters with 2 chances. Does player 2 score within the 2 chances then he may also move the hat back one meter.
- Are missed within the 2 goal attempts then the hat goes 1 meter forward.
- Whoever makes it to the 8 meters on the front and back first.
- If a player has passed the 8 meters on the front then in the next round he goes to the 2 meters on the back. If this is missed then he goes to the 8 meters in front again.