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Korfball drills for technique warming-up

  • 1 declarer throws the ball to the person in front of the basket then he takes a shot if the ball is caught under the basket he then goes inside and takes a through ball finally he then takes a short chance.
  • Point count:
    • Shot counts 2x
    • Walkthrough counts 1x
    • Short chance counts 1x
  • 3 min long and then look per basket who has the most points
  • The children walk behind each other in a line.
  • The person at the front of the line can do whatever he wants for example: heels buttocks, sprints, lifting knees etc.
  • When the trainer calls 'yes' the person at the back of the row starts to run as fast as possible and can choose what they want to do.
  • It must be something other than normal running/jogging, it may be sprinting.

4 poles and 8 players, each pole 1 contributor with a ball. 4 players start from the middle.

1 - Run through from the centre and immediately swap with the attacker, who is the first to score 10 points?


2 - Same exercise but now a run through (no shot), declarer pulls back and shoots. Who is the first to score 10 short chances?

3 - Addition to 2, from the middle a runthrough, stays behind (no shot), plays the ball again on the new incision and makes an evasion.

  • The whole group walks a circle around 4 baskets.
  • When the trainer calls 'yes', the person at the back of the line goes to the front of the line as fast as possible.
  • The children do this by doing a sprint.

After that/ alternation

  • Heels and buttocks, sprinting, lifting the knees etc.
  • When the trainer calls 'yes', the person at the back of the row starts running as fast as he can and then he can choose what he wants to do.
  • It must be something other than normal running/jogging, it may be sprinting.
  • Goal; to practice condition / tempo change in running
  • Game form 4 teams, 4 baskets, 4 balls.
  • Goal is to defend own basket and score on other baskets.
  • Counting, most goals on basket is loser.
  • Goal; moving, tempo change.

  • Let the players figure out themselves how to do this tactically; discuss and communicate about tactics.
  • Stop the game a couple of times to discuss and emphasize the long ball / passing.

training f1 and f2

number of baskets: 5

number of players:10




Make a square of hats or baskets.

  • In the middle put balls (1 less than the number of players).
  • The players walk in circles around the hats
  • At the whistle they run in and try to get a ball

When you have a ball you may make a shot attempt (penalty throw distance, at pylon or in the hoop) and if you score you have a point,


- keep doing it, who's first at 3 points

- Shoot in front of the basket.

Walk backwards/sweep arms/shake buttocks.

- At every new round one ball less in the middle. The players who did not get the ball keep on walking or waiting.

Note : it's not about running fast, as long as they keep moving.

simple running exercises for warming up, in which concentration and reaction also play an important role. Organisation: Pairs in an empty, marked out space.

Walk behind each other in a steady pace, criss-crossing the whole room. Number 2 follows every movement of number 1 as fast as possible, keeping about 1 metre distance. After a while change.

As a., but now the front runner tries to lose the back runner by sudden feints and/or tempo changes.

As a., but now other movements are also allowed: cross passes, jumping, lying down quickly and getting up again, etc.


  • Perform the same exercises with music
  • Do the same exercises in groups of three or four. In this form, 'comical' situations will certainly occur now and then. It doesn't have much to do with korfball then.
  • No more pairs: everyone walks freely through each other. The players walk towards each other, feint and then pass to the left.
  • Like d., but now passing on the right
  • Like d., but now they turn around each other and walk back.
  • Special exercise for getting used to the hall: walk criss-cross through the whole hall, but not touching any line. Especially in halls with a lot of lines on the floor this is a good and fun exercise to get the 'contact with the hall' back in the legs.
  • Like g., but now keep walking on the lines.

Divide the players among the baskets. Put 2 pawns about 7 meters in front of the basket and about 5 meters apart.

When 4 players per basket:

  • 1 attacker under the basket
  • 1 rebounder
  • Other player(s) at the top of the pawns.
  • Ball starts with the player(s) at the top

Player at the top of the pawn passes the ball to the declarer, walks towards the second pawn and receives the ball from the declarer in the run (and on the outside hand). Player makes a run through after changing hands (important that the player first points to the basket - shot threat - before playing the ball inside with the hand change). Rebounder catches the ball.

Passing on: player who took the pass becomes rebounder, rebounder becomes attacker and attacker goes up to make the pass.

  • Make 2 squares of 4.
  • The attack takes the ball from the trainers.
  • When the defence has intercepted the ball, they first pass it back to the trainers.
  • When a goal is scored, the team gets a bonus and can take the ball back out.
  • All players line up.
  • The first two players have a ball.
  • Player 1 starts shooting, when he has shot, player 2 may also start.
  • If 1 scores before 2, he may go to the back.
  • If 2 scores before 1, 1 is out and must go to the side.
  • The last two players must start at the same time and score 3 times.
  • The one who gets 3 first wins.

necessary: 3 poles with baskets, 1 container with wickerbags and 1 container with ribbons, 6 pawns, 3 balls

All children are numbered 1,2,3 numbers 1 start running first, then 2 and 3 start when 1 is back.

  • On the left side you run to and fro in the length of the hall.
  • When you are back you run to a free basket and make a penalty throw in front of the basket.
  • And you score from a distance of your choice from the back of the basket.
  • Place the ball on the pawn in front of the basket.
  • Then you go to the trainer for your 'salary' and you start again.
  • You keep your pay in your own locker (A4 sheet with your own name).
  • When there is no free basket, you run up and down the length of the hall one more time.

If you score a goal both times you have earned a beanbag. If you only score one goal you have earned a ribbon.

Who has earned the most after 10 minutes?

Start line-up
Three groups at the first pawns.

The first in line runs to the hoop and goes through the hoop from the bottom, so the hoop goes over their head. Then he goes through the defense stance to pawn two. Turn around and make short passes (left, right) to the next pawn. From there, start to pass the ball. After that, go to the pole for a shot. Then back to the start, tap, next. There are two points per person. First team with six points wins.

Defensive stance:
Back out and through the knees with your arm up.
