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Korfball drills for technique warming-up

Inshort: exercises in catching balls that bounce or roll at the right moment.

Organisation: One ball per pair or trio.

  1. The numbers 1 and 2 of each pair stand next to each other. Number 1 rolls the ball a few metres away. Number 2 has to get the ball, pick it up and throw it back as quickly as possible. Change after 5 games. Make sure that the players 'get' the ball as quickly as possible by putting one hand on it as soon as possible.
  2. Like 1., but now number 1 throws the ball away with a small curve, in such a way that it bounces about 4 metres away (and then makes a bounce of about half a metre high). Number 2 must try to get the ball as soon as possible after the bounce.
  3. As 2, but now number 1 drops the ball from 1.5 metres just in front of number 2. Number 2 must again try to get the ball as soon as possible after the bounce. It will appear that almost everyone lets the ball rise a little before catching it. Wrong (in the meantime an opponent can quickly put his/her hand on the ball). At the very moment that the ball is about to come up, the hand should be placed on the ball Get that ball!
  4. Three teams, the person who gives the information stands in the middle. He rolls the ball a few meters away. As soon as the ball is loose, the other two may run. Who has the ball first? After 3 substitutions.

Let's get used to the field.

Three poles in a triangle. Three running players. From the pillon you push. Remember technique.

1) take a walk through ball. Scoring three is substitution2
) Take neighbourhood ball. Scoring one is exchanging3)
Walk through ball overhead4
) Walk through ball backwards5
) score 10 together.

  • 1 attacker throws the ball to the person in front of the basket then he shoots the ball when he catches the ball under the basket he then goes inside and takes a walkthrough ball finally he takes a short chance.
  • Point count:
    • Shot counts 2x
    • Walkthrough counts 1x
    • Short chance counts 1x
  • You can play this like this, for example, who is first to the 20 or
  • 1min long and then look per basket who has the most points

! All kids together

The children form a long snake and start to run after each other. Meanwhile the trainer changes the exercises by calling out: hop, lift the knee and so on. After all exercises the person in the back gets the assignment to catch up with the whole group by sprinting. When she arrives at the front she is the first one and runs on in a steady pace.

! Extra exercise: To add a fun game element, put one person in front of the snake. This person has to try to touch the tail of the snake by making an action. The snake must keep moving and try to make a block, so that the tail will not be touched.

  • A circuit is set up of hoops, cones, benches and baskets.
  • Two teams are made, number 1 of each team starts.
  • You go under the hoop, backwards defending between the cones, 10x push-ups on the bench and finally the ball has to be scored via a walkthrough.
  • Per group you have to score 15 balls!

Per 2 teams both score a goal. When both score, move to the left to the next basket, regardless if the team next to you has already finished. Who is first back to his own basket and scores again.

At a distance of +/- 15 meter make two sections with 4 hats of 1,5 x 1,5 meter.

Make two teams with an equal number of players.

Each team has its own section.
The other team tries to conquer the box of the other.
This happens when one attacker stands in the box of the other and gets the ball from a teammate.
They get 1 point. No other players are allowed to stand in the box.
When the defence intercepts the ball, they may immediately open the attack on the compartment of the opposite team.


- on time

- on points

- from both teams 1 player allowed in the box

- no limit on number of defenders in section

- no limit on number of attackers in section

- adjust size of section

- distance between squares

Put out a box, of about 6 by 6.

  • One person is the ticker, and has to tick off everyone.
  • The other people have 2 balls at their disposal, which they can pass on.
  • You may not be tagged when you have the ball in your hands. So if the ticker runs to someone, you must quickly throw the ball to this player. Of course you are not allowed to hold the ball endlessly.

Ball skills

  • Each child gets a ball
  • The children imitate the exercises given by the trainers
    • You spin the ball around your belly
    • You bend your knees and make an 8-move through your legs with the ball
    • You stand up straight and throw the ball from one hand over your head to the other hand (width or length)
    • You lift your knees and in the meantime you make 8-movements through your legs with the ball
  • You repeat these exercises a number of times

A nice variation of the ordinary game of tag.

You have a cat (the ticker) and you have mice. The mice have ribbons in their back trousers. This is like the tail of the mouse.
Make sure that the tail is hanging out quite a bit, otherwise the cat can't catch them.
The mice run away and the cat will try to grab all the tails. When the tail is taken away from the mouse the game is over and she can sit on the side of the road.

Variant: If the mouse's tail is picked up, the mouse can help the cat and becomes a cat.
If you have a large team you can start with 2 cats.

  • 2 groups in a row
  • All starts with the front person
  • He passes the ball over his head backwards, the next one under his legs etc.
  • Which group is first to the other side?
  • If you drop the ball you have to start over with the whole group.

4 pawns in square formation. 4 persons, at each pawn 1 person stands, 1 with ball. This person plays the ball counter clockwise, but runs clockwise to the next pawn. Continue like this. There is always a pawn without a lady, but the ball can rotate.