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Soccer drills for technique attack / offense

  • See picture
  • V-formation on 2 sides 3 players
  • Player 1a, 2a, 3a and player 1b, 2b, 3b

  • 1a rebounds to 2a.
  • 1a gets ball after rebounds and passes firmly to 3b.
  • 3b lays wide to 2a.
  • 2a rounds off.
  • 1a to 2a, 2a to 3b, 3b joins A side.
  • Other side the same.
drawing Completion exercise in V-position
  • Place pawns as shown in picture.
  • Player 1 passes to player 2.
  • Player 2 spins open and gives depth pass to back line.
  • Player 1 sprints deep to the depth pass and delivers a cross on the edge of 16.
  • Player 3 communicates/calls and catches this pass or accepts or rounds directly.
drawing Finishing with depth pass and cross
  • Player 1 rebounds to Player 2.
  • Player 1 passes deep high pass to Player 3.
  • Player 2 offers to edge 16.
  • Player 3 passes across the ground to Player 2.
  • Player 2 lays wide on edge 16, Player 3 rounds.
  • Player 1 to Player 2, who then plays to Player 3.
  • Player 3 joins row other side.
Set out two sides and execute alternately.
drawing Rounding with depth pass and rebound 2 sides
  • Player 1 passes the ball to Player 2.
  • Player 2 passes to Player 3.
  • Player 3 is going to attack with Player 1.
  • Player 2 goes to defend on Player 1 and 3.
  • Goalkeeper 1 tries to catch the ball.
drawing 2 versus 1 attack interplay
  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 2.
  • Player 1 runs through and player 2 lays the ball wide.
  • Player 1 passes the ball to player 3.
  • Player 2 meanwhile has run on to the goal.
  • Player 3 passes a cross to player 2 and and then player 2 finishes.
drawing attack
Improve playing out of a stall situation to the opponent's goal with the goal of making the right choices in attacking play and scoring goals.


  • Field of 32 meters long, double sixteen-meter area, and 25 meters wide.
  • 1 large goal
  • 2 small goals
  • 15 field players + 1 goalkeeper
  • Sufficient pylons to mark out the field
  • 10 balls distributed between the two goals
  • 2 trainers per organization
  • The line of the sixteenmeter area is the offside line

  • Team (A) playing from the small goals starts with dribble
  • 1 player (A) dribbles with the ball towards the opponent's goalkeeper (B) and must finish in front of the sixteen meter line (1 against 0 we call this)
  • As soon as the ball is out of play, goes into the goal or into the hands of the goalkeeper, as soon as possible 2 players of this team (B) with 1 ball enter the field to play 2:1.
  • Again, if the ball is out of play, enters the goal or is in the hands of the goalkeeper then 2 new players from the other team (A) enter the field to play 3:2.
  • This continues until the situation where 8:7 is played by team A
  • after this 8:7 situation the last player of team B enters the field and 8:8 is played until a goal is scored
  • After this the whole form starts again, only now it is team B that starts
  • The total number of goals is counted to determine the winning team


  • It is all about making the right choices to score goals. These choices are different in every situation and so each overtime requires specific coaching
  • 1:0 - a free shot from the '16 should always be between the posts
  • 2:1 - patience on the ball, being playable by the teammate and thus getting free in front of the goalie
  • 3:2 - patience on the ball, fielding-> big and wide. 1:1 means 2:1 at the other end. Running action without ball to force opponent to make choices
  • 4:3 - patience on the ball, fielding-> big and wide. High ball tempo, play moves and multiple runs without ball. Create 2:1 or play out 1:1 to create a chance
drawing pyramid party game
  • Players on 1 side of goal next to post.
  • 1 handball player-the trainer-at the height of 16 meters.
  • Player must pass in tightly around handball player sprint maximum and finish.
  • Let the player get the ball himself.
drawing Finishing on goal sprint
Keeper is in the goal standing just outside the 16. This is to add some surprise. He does know if the ball is coming over the left or right. But either striker can be the one finishing.

  • We start at the number 10 position A.
  • The attack is "dead" there, so we get the ball out and play back to our 6 B.
  • Our 6 now looks for the half player at C or D.
  • If C, takes on with the right and turns open and, possibly through the number 10, looks for the other side.
  • If D, takes on with the left and turns open and searches, possibly via the number 10, the other side.
  • The half player then plays into the box near the strikers waiting at the corners of 5 meter area.
  • One of the players works off and joins A, the other striker remains standing.
Passing is done alphabetically. Positions D and C are double for turnovers.

drawing Ball out and lace change
  • Ball starts in circle.
  • Triangle player makes running action to the circle in the same color.
  • So two consecutive circles are two offers/run actions.
  • Dotted line is running line.
  • Tight line is pass line.
drawing Attack design variation
  • Player A passes to B
  • B takes ball with furthest foot
  • Dribbles through gate and finishes
  • A runs through the gate on the other side
  • A and B do a 1 versus 1 match
drawing 1 vs. 1
Players Blue:
Match-oriented positions:

A = Left back
B = Central defensive midfielder
C = Left half
D = Striker 1
E = Striker 2

  • Left back plays into the left half.
  • Central midfielder gets free in the axis and is played on by the left half.
  • Striker 1 sinks out a bit for the handball.
  • Striker 1 drops ball to left half.
  • Striker 1 turns away so that ball could possibly be stabbed to him.
  • Left half leaves depth ball and plays Striker 2 tight in foot.
  • The rebounds him half deep to the incoming Striker 1.
  • Striker 1 works off.

Players Red:

A = Central defensive midfielder
B = Left back
C = Left half
D = Striker 1
E = Striker 2

  • Central midfielder plays into left half.
  • Left half drops to left back.
  • Striker 1 drops out.
  • Left back plays into striker 1.
  • Striker 1 drops to pass-through central midfielder.
  • Central midfielder looks for striker two.
  • Striker 1 gets under the ball.
  • Striker two drops to Striker 1.
  • Striker 1 finishes.

Always pass alphabetically.

Variation opportunity in advanced situations:
-Add a number 10 -see white player- to the situation to create additional opportunities.
-Have the left half run action into the corner to receive and cross as an additional opportunity.
drawing Attack design 442
  • Two mini goals outside the box.
  • Play team against team.
  • Start on the back line.
  • On "yes" from trainer, teams play the ball in tight and come in for the ball rebound.
  • Hit the ball in one pass at pace into the mini goal.
  • Whoever scores first or only gets the ball from the player standing between the mini goals for a quick 2 vs. 2 in the 16 yards.
drawing 2 vs. 2 warming up large finishing form