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Soccer drills for technique dribbling

  • 4 lines
  • 4 balls coming out at the same time
  • red unmarks to receive from blue
  • blue passes to red
  • red receives and dribbles cones
  • blue goes to red's initial position and prepares to receive
drawing First Touch & Dribbling
  • In this game, there are two balls coming out at the same time from the tips. 
  • There is one player in each center cone. 
Variation 1: 
  • Blue passes to red. 
  • Red receives while rotating around the cone. 
  • Red passes to blue. 
Variation 2: 
  • Blue passes to red. 
  • Red returns by passing to blue. 
  • Blue passes to red. 
  • Red passes to blue.
drawing Passing and Receiving
  • Keeping ball on foot.
  • Player plays in on inside of pawn, accepts with one touch and allows her/him to turn around pawn.
  • Plays across, again inside etc.
  • Last player in the 16 meters takes over and dribbles with the ball through the exercise and runs back to start.
drawing Positioning well and moving the ball quickly.
Dribbling exercises: circuit
  • 1.1 Dribbling around the pawns:
    • Inside foot right take two passes and inside foot left take two passes back and forth start with left and proceed to exercise 1.2.
  • 1.2 Dribbling around the pawns:
    • Outside foot on right take two passes and outside foot on left take two passes, etc.
  • 1.3 Dribble around the pawns with oblique movement:
    • Bring outside right side with you 1 touch of the ball per step.
drawing Dribbling exercises with oblique motion, half scissors and overstepping: practice these techniques to improve your dribbling skills.
  • To teach building backwards in set patterns (with resistance)

Who stands where:
  • All spread out across the field, give them tips, directions, and most of all let them try to figure things out for themselves!
  • Everyone can stop the game!
  • B plays on A
  • B puts pressure on A
  • A dribbles a little bit, gives good ball to C
  • C plays on D
  • D plays on E
  • E rebounds or turns and finishes
  • D passes to C
  • C finishes
Variation possible due to previous agreements, and depending on defender ( see below)

Task defender: ( jayden - Jelle/ Lucas alternate together)
  • Defender chooses way of putting pressure.
  • Pressing the back, or shielding the ball line to left outside or striker
Swap through:
  • Swap to the next Pylon

  • Movement without Ball
  • Good leg and tight passing
  • Coach each other by shouting name
  • Let them make choices and mistakes

Style of play:
A= 3-4
E= 9

drawing building up own half with finishing
  • All players run with ball on foot in a defined field. (Size depends on number of players)
  • The players, with their own ball at foot, must get the other players' ball out of the square.
  • When your ball is out of the square you leave the square and wait.
  • Whoever remains last wins
Building up from behind in set patterns teach without resistance


  • A plays on B
  • B passes to A
  • A dribbles a little, gives good ball to C
  • C dribbles next hat
  • C plays on D
  • C plays on D
  • D rebounds on C - or spins through
  • E rebounds on D or spins and shoots
Swap through:

  • A-B
  • B-C
  • C-D
  • D-E
  • E retrieves ball and joins A

  • Movement without Ball
  • Good leg and tight passing
  • Coach each other by calling out names
Style of play:

  • A= 3-4
  • B=6 - 8
  • C=5
  • D=11
  • E=9
drawing building up own half with finishing
  • Players play a match of say here 8 against 8.
  • When a goal is scored, the goal scorer must take a jar from behind the goal and put it by their own jar.
  • If a team has taken all the pots away from a goal, that team has won.
drawing Contest with pot picking
2 teams. One blue and one red
The exercise goes as follows
  • 1 player per team always dribbles around the caps
  • After the last pot he returns through the middle and tries to score
    • Variant 1: empty goal, next player may leave if shot was fired
    • Variant 2: goalkeeper in goal: whoever is first to last goal may go on goal, the other not.
  • When a player succeeds, his team gets a point: push over 1 of the 5 cones standing by the team. The team that can knock over its 5 cones first wins.
Time estimate: 20 - 25 min
Optimal number of players: 6 field players + 1 goalkeeper
Maximum number of players: 8 field players + 2 goalkeepers

  • No skipping pots.
  • Only knock over cones when you have scored.
  • 5 cones per team.

  1. Everyone 1 time to practice. (5 min)
  2. Empty (possibly reduced) goal, both players may always attack (5 min)
  3. Goal with goalkeeper, only player who is first past last pot may go on goal. (5 min)
  4. Goal with goalkeeper, all players may go on goal but player may only move past last pot if player in front of him has already shot (5 min)
  5. Impose restriction not to get closer than
drawing To dribble and finish ter fastest
  • Put pawns as on picture
  • Each pawn a player
drawing Triangle fitting exercise
  • See image
drawing Dribble circuit with pass
  • Blue runs to the pot and cuts off.
  • Blue passes the ball to red.
  • Red tries to score.
  • inside/outside ball cut off.
drawing Felling & scoring