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Soccer drills for technique passing

For 7 to 12 players
Make a hexagon with the pawns about 12-15 meters away.
At each pawn 1 player but at the 1st - and 4th if 8 players- 2 players.

  • 1 of the players at the pair starts with the ball.
  • The player at the next pawn drops out and asks for the ball.
  • The player with the ball plays it in.
  • The player asking for the ball turns in and takes the ball.
  • The player at the next pawn sinks out and asks for the ball and the player plays the ball in, etc.
  • The player who plays the ball in runs on to the next pawn, and so on.
  • Counterclockwise and clockwise
  • Instead of turning in and playing in, the player who plays in now asks for a rebound and the player rebounds the ball, then the player who asked for the rebound plays the ball in to the player at the next pawn. The player who rebounded runs on and now asks for a rebound, and so on.
For more than 8 players more people at some pawns or expand the hexagon to an octagon.
drawing Playing in, turning in, rebounding hexagon
  • See picture
  • Please note correct walking route
drawing Passing drill
  • Put pawns as on picture
  • Each pawn a player
drawing Triangle fitting exercise
  • Expands in two directions
  • Perform synchronously
  • Ensure proper fit
drawing Passing drill
  • See image
drawing Dribble circuit with pass
  • See picture
  • Pay attention when assuming the right pylon
  • Take right pass left pass together with print
  • Other side parallel execution at the same time
drawing Short pass drill with printout
  • Put pawns as given.
  • Minimum of 7 players.
  • 1x turn out, 1x rebound and 2x long pass.
  • Ensure good pass with attack.
  • Turn after the pass.
drawing Long pass drill
  • Player 1 and player 3 pass a long ball across the goal.
  • Player 2 and player 4 take the ball and must attack.
  • Player 1 and player 3 must defend.
  • Is the 1 versus 1 played then players 2 and 4 move on and players 1 and 3 join the back of the line.
drawing Long ball 1 versus 1
- Divide group into pairs.
- When playing ball take it in the air. Play high ball directly or head ball back between e.g. the back line and 16 meters.

  • Player 1 with ball runs backwards and player 2 without ball forwards.
  • Player 1 throws the ball in the air to player 2. He takes it and plays it back while running forward at a constant speed.
  • Alternating left and right leg
  • Taking the ball well to the side when attacking.
  • Play the ball back directly out of the air with the inside foot into the hands of the person running backwards.
  • Ball through the air and back to the person running backwards.
  • Red passes to blue.
  • Blue passes a deep pass to white.
  • White works off the goal.
drawing Passing & shooting
  • Blue plays the ball to blue and runs to red
  • Red plays the ball to red and runs to blue
drawing Warming up
- Exercise revolves primarily around player D.
- Open-ended approach essential.

  • Starts at A.
  • A plays to B.
  • B rebounds in the run back to A.
  • D makes forward action and gets into the ball between the 2 hats.
  • A plays in on D's left foot.
  • D accepts with one ball contact and turns up between the two hats.
  • D plays in on C.
  • C drops on B.
  • B pokes into the run of the passed D.
  • D finishes in small goal and closes in behind again.
Alphabetical turn through.
drawing Handball/ pass open turn