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Soccer drills for technique shoot

  • Staircase 3 variants:
    • Each step 1 step.
    • Two feet in.
    • Foot in foot out.
  • Sprint pull up to pawn.
  • Slalom around pawn with ball:
    • 1x good foot.
    • 1x alternate.
    • 1x ball rolling under foot left and right.
  • One-two with player.
  • Dribble through and pass with scissors.
  • Then round off.
drawing Circuit
  • There will be 4 rows of hats, each spaced 10 meters apart. As many lanes as you have pairs.
  • Each lane has a 2-pair with 1 ball.
  • Players line up at the first 2 rows of hats.
  • The ball is at blue's sideline. This passes across the ground to red. This passes back across the ground and runs backwards to the next hats.
  • Now blue passes with a firmer pass to red. This one passes back firmly and runs backwards to the last row of hats.
  • Then blue passes to red with a high ball and runs himself to the row of hats closest to red.
  • Now red stays on the back line and blue runs backwards to the next row of hats after each pass.
Pay attention to good kicking technique and good ball-taking.
drawing Pass trap exercise
  • Big pawns outside 16 stand 3 meters outside it.
  • Player C 10 meters outside the 16.
  • Distance C and B is 10 meters.
  • Distance B and A is 5 meters.
  • Large pawns are opponents.
  1. A plays into B.
  2. B turns away from the opponent inside and crosses the ball between the defenders into C's running line.
  3. C rounds off.
  4. A becomes B. B becomes C. C retrieves the ball and closes in behind.
  5. Then the other side starts.
Coach moment: C not to leave too early otherwise offside also pay attention to this as a coach. Do not leave too late or the goalkeeper will pick up the ball.

drawing Finishing pitch ball
  • S2 is central and asks ball to S1.
  • S1 plays ball in.
  • S2 spins out and does double pass to S3 who asks for ball with pre-action.
  • S3 takes ball and does slalom with turn on each side and passes with ball to back pot.
drawing Passing - first key and dribbling
  • S1 gives pass to S2.
  • S2 dribbles to cones, makes 1x sharp angle, gives pass to S3.
  • S3 runs free, gets ball and finishes on goal.

  • With fixed goalkeeper then it stays, without goalkeeper then trapper takes the place of goalkeeper.
  • Goalkeeper goes rebound and handler takes ball and slides on, S1 goes dribbling.
  • Exercise can be done in two directions.
drawing Taking on, dribbling, cowering, pass, free running, taking on and kicking
  • S1 dribbles to cones. Makes 2x sharp angle and finishes on goal.
  • With fixed goalkeeper it stays, without goalkeeper trapper takes the place of goalkeeper.
  • Exercise can be done by free choice from 2 sides.
drawing Dribbling, cutting and finishing
Players pass the ball and and put it in front of the goal where the other player tries to finish at once.
drawing Passing, crosses and finishing.
  • Players on 1 side of goal next to post.
  • 1 handball at the height of the penalty spot.
  • Player must pass tightly around the handball and sprint to finish.

    Option: big goal or small goal.
drawing Finishing on goal - WDR -2
  • Pass in from the center line, indicate where you want the ball to go, left or right, and shoot low in own corner right legged/right corner - about 5 times.
  • Passing in from the center line, indicate where you want the ball to go and shoot controlled high into own corner, right legged/right corner - about 5 times.
  • Passing in from the center line and free angle and free power - About 5 times.
Option: big goal or small goal
drawing Finishing on goal - WDR -1
  • Exercise corner kick 15 minutes.
  • Coach on where to stand and what running lines are expected of them. 
  • Only run when the ball is played. 
  • No fixed instruction, do not walk on top of each other. 
  • If possible, shoot straight away. 
  • When not scoring, create more overtime with attackers. 
  • The goal is to score when there are an even number of opponents.
  • Let the attackers change positions often. 
drawing Dead game moment - corner kick
  • Player 1 rebounds on player 2.
  • Player 2 sprints around the pawn and then runs towards the goal to receive the cross.
  • Player 1 drives towards the pawn and rebounds to player 3.
  • Player 3 runs to the back line after the handball with player 1 passing deep.
  • Player 3 crosses and player 1 finishes.
    • Dribble and tap the ball every 1 or 2 steps.
    • Control the ball.
    • The deep pass must be powerful.
    • Player 1 must keep good contact for the cross and sprint in time for the goal.

drawing run, pass, sprint, dribble and finish exercise on one half of a field
  • Remark: 
    • 2 goalkeepers constantly alternate, every 5 balls.
  • Finishing exercise.
  • Reaching the goal through clean passing.
  • Sequence: 
    • Pass.
    • Turn up + pass.
    • Turn up + pass.
    • Handball.
    • Pass. 
    • Finish.
  • Logical turn-around, deflecting striker picks up the ball from the player who shot. 
  • The player who shoots immediately rejoins as a central handball player in the dot.
drawing Finishing