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Soccer drills for technique warming-up

Warming up 3 exercises +- 8 min
  • 1st 6 meter sprint next to the field.
    • get them ready 1 leg in front 1 behind
    • hands next to the body
    • each 3x
  • 2nd exercise stand on 1 leg other leg bent backwards 20 seconds hold then other leg.
    • If this is difficult, you do a round per leg.
  • 3rd exercise is with ball on upper leg-> ball on foot and catch both cases.
Dribbling exercises. The goals are 1 meter big
  • Dribble through as many goals as possible within a minute.
    • They can do this all at the same time.
    • But they should not go through a goal at the same time. Make sure they do not wait for each other at a goal then they have to find another goal. If they wait too often, add 2 more goals.
  • Dribble 1 ball with pairs. Score by kicking the ball through the goal to your partner.
    • Practice for a few minutes, then play. Who scores the most goals within a minute?
  • Goals dribbling waste rounds.
    • In box have ball dribble on yes sign have ball stop in goal.
    • Last one falls off each time until there is 1 winner.
    • In this exercise, have the players first dribble and kick the ball into the goal without dropping out.
  • Kicking exercise
    • 2 goals and pylons at 5 meters, 8 meters and 10 meters. Shoot into goal via inside foot.
    • Then hit 1 pylon to the back.
    • Make sure the stand leg is next to the ball not against it and pointing towards the goal.
    • Make sure the shooting leg is brought to the back and swung straight ahead.
    • Correct if they are not doing this correctly.

  • Remaining time; party form
drawing Training minis
  • Distance about 10 meters
  • Walking exercise: first easy walking pace 3x
  • Have players stand side by side in place;
    • have leg lifted at hip height and arm forward so the finger comes up to shoulder height.
  • Then walk at pace,
    • have leg lifted to hip height and arm forward so finger comes up to shoulder height.
  • If right leg goes up then left arm should also go up. The rest of the body remains still. 10x at a slow pace.
  • Then accelerate 10x while ensuring that the player performs the exercise correctly technically as described above.
drawing Walking technique
  • Split team into two groups.
  • Plot field: Two rows with two pawns facing each other at a distance of about 15 meters.

  • Each team runs behind each other each time between the two pawns and around the other pawn and back again.
    • Jogging 2 laps around half a field or back and forth across the width of the field 4 times
    • 3 x 8 times lifting knees backwards, jogging backwards
    • 3 x 8 times heels buttocks outward, back jogging
    • Outward jog with single arm swing, left 3 to 4 times and then right 3 to 4 times, then left again, etc.
    • Back jog with both arms forward, 3 a 4 times, then both arms back 3 a 4 times and repeat
    • Sideways jumping jack movement back and forth, changing direction you are facing every 3 passes.
    • Cross passes back and forth, every 3 passes changing direction you are facing.
    • Walking backwards outward, sideways backward movement 3 steps left, 3 steps right back
    • Low tripling out, high tripling with knee lift back
    • Lunge passes forward outward, jog backward
    • Light tempo acceleration outward to max 60%, and light tempo acceleration back to max 60%

  • Everyone together in circle with sufficient distance.
    • Arms swing backwards left and right, feet light spread position.
      • Arm check and turn back foot in slightly on the front of your foot
    • arms turn around making big circles
      • up and down left and then right, feet slightly spread out
    • mill swings, light spread position, slightly bent knees.
      • With your left hand to your right foot, right hand in the air and check, then with your right hand to your left foot and with the left hand in the air and check.
      • 10 times left and 10 times right.

drawing Standard warm-up 10-15 minutes without ball
This exercise is a brief warm up at the top for the youngest groups and in the circle for the upper level teams.
  • In passes with right and left
  • Head strike on the chest or upper leg
  • Passing back
drawing Warming up
First walk slowly for 3 to 5 minutes to allow your body to switch from a resting to sport mode

Distance 15 meters:
  • Heels, buttocks
  • Lift the knee
  • Connecting step 3 times per side
  • Cross step right
  • Cross pass left
  • Step with knees
  • Cross-step/arms
  • Groin in
  • Groin out
  • Swing the leg straight up
  • Swing the leg in at an angle
  • Quick footwork, tripping
Finish with a short sprint over 30 meters.

  • The goalkeeper passes to a player from red
  • Then 2v2 starts
  • Whoever scores first wins
drawing Warming up
  • Blue passes the ball to red and joins red
  • Red passes the ball back to blue and jumps over the fences and then joins blue

  • players pass the ball low
  • players pass the ball high
drawing Warming up
  • Players divide among the cones
  • Blue passes the ball to red and joins red
  • Red passes the ball back to blue and jumps over the fences and then joins blue
  • Players pass the ball low
  • Players pass the ball high
drawing Warming up
  • The players walk to the right jar
  • They then walk to the left jar
  • Finally they walk to the middle potty
  • Then they join the right group
drawing Warming
  • Player A begins slalom with ball between hats.
  • At 2nd hat, player B begins slalom without ball through hats.
  • Player C begins running motion around cones.
  • Players A and B attack.
  • Player C and the goalkeeper defend.
  • Finishing on goal.
Passing: A becomes C, B becomes K, K becomes A and C becomes B.

Duration: 8 minutes, while waiting their turn juggling the ball.

drawing Warming up
  • Player A begins slalom with ball between hats.
  • At 2nd hat, player B begins slalom without ball through hats.
  • Player C begins running motion around cones.
  • Players A and B attack.
  • Player C and the goalkeeper defend.
  • Finishing on goal.
Passing: A becomes C, B becomes K, K becomes A and C becomes B.

Duration: 8 minutes, while waiting their turn juggling the ball.

drawing Warming up
  • Player A begins slalom with ball between hats.
  • At 2nd hat, player B begins slalom without ball through hats.
  • Player C begins running motion around cones.
  • Players A and B attack.
  • Player C and the goalkeeper defend.
  • Finishing on goal.
Passing: A becomes C, B becomes K, K becomes A and C becomes B.

Duration: 8 minutes, while waiting their turn juggling the ball.

drawing Warming up