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Volleyball drills for technique attack / smash / spike / hitting

3 triplets

  • 2 trios form base 6
  • 3rd trio on the other half of the pitch

intention is that the 6-team knows that an attack is played over 2 or 4.
6 team must anticipate

  • the midfielder must connect with the right/left forwards to make a block.
  • the remaining front player must move to the front of the net, the libeo (position 6) defends the block, Position 1 and 5 take position in the backfield.

After some attacking, 3 of them change position and 3 of them swap.

  • Alternate between anticipation 1 and 2.
  • Player must react correctly to attack and/or high ball.

points of interest:

  • call loose
  • move:
    • When attacking the block and the rest react in the back. Libero covers the block.
    • At high ball, anticipate to the back
  • We play 3 against 3 on a half field,
    • pass,
    • set-up
    • and attack (aimed and not hard),
  • After playing the ball, everyone rotates a position.
  • When the ball lands on the ground,
  • just bring it in by playing overhand, NOT serving.
  • If there are too many players, then 1 in the waiting room to come in for the pass.
drawing Party on half field
  • 5 - 1 line-up,
    • 3 players on the serving side
    • and 5 players on the defensive side.
  • Trainer (Libero) defends on POS VI,
  • Passeur stands at POS I and then 3 attackers at POS II, III (mid) and IV.
  • 3 defenders on the other side and try to defend the ball, we play the rally on!
  • It is allowed to block.
  • The player behind the first attacker throws the ball to the distributor.
  • This player passes the ball on to the attacker at the net. (Free hit)
  • Extension:
    • 3 defenders at the other side of the field.
    • The attackers hit the defense.
    • They pass the ball to the defender's position.
      • If necessary, place a basket through which the ball must pass.

drawing Striking + defending
  1. 4 players in pass on 1
  2. the rest of the players stand on the other side of the net to catch and throw the ball
    1. first player throws the ball over
    2. set-up with pass to outfield player
    3. outfield player places the ball in the marked zones
  3. after each attack we rotate
drawing Building up + playing with focus

Coach takes care of the set up at the 6.

  • The game starts with the libero throwing the ball in, then the rally is played out.
  • Variation: game starts with service of the other team.
  • If it goes well the trainer doesn't play anymore, midfielder is playmaker.

  • 1, 2 and 3 start from the backline 
  • sprints to the centre line and back to the backfield.
  • C plays a ball in the backfield 
  • 1, 2 and 3 build up an attack (pass, set-up and attack)
  • get the ball yourself.
  • next 3


  • Two teams one ball.
  • Opposite each other then the ball against the ground
  • To smash to the other play.
  • Later on, place a pawn in the middle so they can hit it.

points of interest:

  • shout loose
  • move.
  • Back field.
  • row of attackers and blockers on the 3 -metre line
  • C plays rally ball on attacker 1
  • blocker 4 goes to the net
  • 1 pass to S and calls where he wants the set-up
  • (left, centre or right)
  • blocker follows the attacker and blocks
  • Attacker gets the ball, connect behind your own line.
  • If the attackers score 10 times, the attackers and blockers change places.
  • and blockers
