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Soccer drill: dribbling skills

Suitable for the following techniques: dribbling

Dribbling skills

  • Goals at 8 meters from center -cone-.
  • Players start simultaneously from the 4 goals, ball at foot to about 2 to 3 meters from the opposite goal and then finish.
  • They recover their ball and run around the cone to the right of the goal, to the next one and rejoin there.
Variation 1:
  • Players dribble up to the cone in the middle, hold ball still under foot and pull it under then turn and finish themselves into their departure goal.
  • They recover their ball and run around the cone to the right of the goal, to the next one and reconnect there.
Variation 2:
  • From goals 1 and 3 the main exercise and from 2 and 4 the variant 1.
  • Ball recovery and passing as previous variants.
drawing Dribbling skills

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: