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Hockey drills for technique pass around player

  • It's Red against Blue.
  • Red tries to take the ball away.
  • Blue plays it around and stays in box.
  • You must keep moving in the box so you can get to the ball each time.
  • If the ball is taken away, you must switch with the person who took it away.
drawing Loafing in square
  • Attacker on the ball runs up and does a reverse.
  • Passes to attacker 2.
  • 2 vs. 2 starts.
drawing Reverse and 1 versus 1
  • A starts with the ball and runs a bit and passes the ball to B
  • B takes possession, runs a short distance and passes to C
  • C takes the ball, runs a short distance and passes the ball to A who has passed on
  • A takes the ball and runs to the pawns where she makes a passing move
  • C runs to the circle and gets the ball back from A
  • C rounds on goal
drawing Passing in motion
  • Part 1:
    • The player with the ball passes it to the player closest to the center line.
    • This one takes the ball in motion to the outside.
    • Makes a 1-2 with his teammate on the outside.
    • Then runs into the depth.
    • Gets the ball after the sticklead.
    • Finishes on goal.
  • Part 2:
    • After the player in coverage gets the ball the 2-on-1 starts.
  • Part 3:
    • A pair, attacker and defender, also starts in the circle.
drawing Dynamic overtime
  • A plays the ball to B
  • B plays the ball to C
  • then begins the 3 against 2, D and E defend
drawing 3 vs. 2
  • On the sides of the courts are balls.
  • Each goalt in the corner of the field has its own color.
  • In each field stand 2 players.
  • The players start in the middle of the field.
  • When the trainer calls a color, the players must grab a ball from the side of the field as quickly as possible.
  • The player who grabs the ball first must score in the color goal called by the trainer. The other player then goes to defend.
  • If the attacking player scores in the said color goal, the players start again and the trainer calls another color and so the exercise repeats itself.
drawing 1 vs. 1 switching & reaction in game form
  • Except for one player -red-, all players -blue- have one ball.
  • The red defender tries to work all balls out of the box.
  • If a blue player loses his/her ball and it has been played out of the box, she/he stands with her/his legs apart.
  • The player can be redeemed by another blue player; This one plays the ball through the legs -panna- and blue has a player back in the box.
  • Continue until all players are off.
Points of attention:
  • If it takes too long or you notice in advance that one defender is too little, appoint an extra defender.
drawing Game format: redeem by a panna.
  • Divide your team into 2 groups
  • Have them both stand at a row
  • Have them practice elevator passes over the pawns several times first
  • Float over the last pawn and push the ball to the next in line
Once they have all done it once or twice, you can make it a relay.

drawing Elevator pass exercise
  • All but one player start with ball on the line.
  • They try to reach the other side of the field without losing the ball.
  • The defender -player red- tries to take the ball from the players -blue- and work it out of the box.
  • If a player loses his ball and the ball is played out of the box then he is finished.
  • He then helps the defender to take the balls off and work them out of the box.
  • The game continues until all players are finished.
  • The player last left wins the game.
Points of Attention:
  • Is the game finished, start over with another defender.
  • If the player commits a foul, he is also finished.
drawing Exercise without purpose

You can perform this slalom in 4 different ways:
  1. Normal slalom: player and ball move forward through the gates.
  2. Player keeps moving to the left of the gates and has the ball on the right side of his body.
  3. Player continues to move to the right of the gates and has the ball on the left side of his body.
  4. Player moves to the left of the first gate and ball passes on the right, player moves to the right of the second gate and ball passes on the right. The player continues to alternate this until the end of the slalom.
After the slalom, the player rounds the ball on goal and rejoins the back of the line.

drawing Exercise on target
  • The player does three passes behind the dummy and rounds on target.
  • You can also do this exercise in relay form (do emphasize the proper execution of the exercise and not the speed).
Points of attention:
  • With the dummy, it is important that you pretend to pass to the left, but eventually accelerate right around the pawn.
  • Make sure you step out well with your left foot and pass the ball well under you.
  • After your move, accelerate briefly to the next double pawn.
drawing Exercise on target
  • All but one player have a ball.
  • The player without ball is the defender and tries to work all the balls out of the square as quickly as possible.
  • The players with ball drift through the square and try to keep the ball there as long as possible.
  • If the player loses his ball and the defender plays the ball outside the square, the player is finished.
  • In that case, he helps the defender to work all the balls out of the square as quickly as possible.
  • The player who remains last with ball wins the game.
Points of Attention:
  • Emphasize that the players look well over the ball while drifting (head up).
  • If a foul is made by the player with ball, he is out. If the defender fouls, it is a free ball for the attacker.
drawing Defense Exercise