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Korfball drills

In short: simple catching and throwing exercise with a lot of running for foursomes.

Organisation: The four players form a square (distance about 10 metres, depending on the level), one of the four has a ball. If there are people left over, one or more foursomes can be formed and stand in a pentagon. Almost all parts of the exercise described above can be practised in this form of organisation.

The procedure is as follows:

Player A throws the ball to B, runs after him, gets the ball back and throws to C. He gets the ball back, plays to D, gets the ball back and throws to B over quite a distance, and finally takes his original place again. In the meantime B has already started his round. When everyone in every foursome has had 3 turns the next exercise comes.


1 ) The players walk the other way.

2 ) The declarators move slightly to and fro.

3 ) Which foursome finishes fastest? (Everyone has to walk three times). Pay attention at this game that the distances don't get suddenly smaller!

4 ) Make the distances larger or smaller.

5 ) The following variation is more difficult: A plays first long to C (the player on the diagonal), receives the ball back and then plays a short ball to D with a quarter turn to the left. A gets the ball back again and finally (with almost a half turn to the left) throws the ball to B, who takes over. A returns to his own spot.

6 ) As 5, but now walk the other way, and throw everything with the left hand.

Inshort: simple forms of catching and throwing in a roundabout way.

Organisation: (in a group of about 12 people) five players each stand with a ball in a rectangle or large circle. The rest of the group stands in a row at about 10 metres from giver number 1.

The exercise is outlined here for walking in a counter-clockwise direction, it is recommended to change the walking direction regularly. On the one hand, to prevent the muscles from being loaded one-sidedly, on the other hand, because otherwise only the right-handed throwing and catching is practised, which cannot be the intention.

a ) The first player in line runs to server number 1, receives the ball and plays it back immediately. It is caught and thrown with two hands. The worker passes to the second communicator, receives the ball, plays it back immediately and so on. When he is completely round, he joins the row of workers. The second of the row starts his run when skater number 2 passes the ball to the first runner, etc. After about a minute and a half the runners change.

b ) As a., but the runners give the ball very early, so that the ball must be thrown over large distances.

c ) As a., the ball is played with a bounce by the declarers.

d ) Like a., the ball is rolled by the declarers.

e ) As a., but the runners play the ball back with one hand. The ball is always thrown with the outermost hand, i.e. if running counterclockwise, with the right hand; should the running direction be the other way round, the left hand must be used.

f ) As e., but the runners catch and throw the ball with one hand.

g ) The balls are played high and must then be caught in the jump and returned.

h ) The runners signal alternately in different ways: sometimes very early, then with a bounce, then very high etc., the runners just have to get used to it!

i ) The declarers only pass after the worker has already passed them. The worker therefore must pass the ball back to the declarer with a half turn.

j ) The runners get the ball when they are close to the declarants and play the ball back behind their backs (when running counterclockwise, throw with the left hand).

k ) The runners form pairs, one of them becomes the worker, the other defends by keeping close to the worker. The worker must always play free in order to be played to. After passing the ball back to the passer, the worker may wait until the defender is in a good position before running to the next passer, etc.


1 ) The distances can of course be made larger or smaller.

2 ) The attackers move slightly to and fro to make it more difficult to return.

3 ) Again: let the players walk the other way so that the left hand also gets something to do!

4 ) Not the declarators have a ball, but the first three or four workers. When a worker is completely round, he gives the ball to the first one in line who doesn't have it yet. If there are enough balls, every worker can also get a ball.

In short: basic exercise catching and throwing with foursomes.

Organisation: each foursome has a ball and two pawns, positioned about 10 metres from each other (two lines with a distance of about 10 metres between them are also possible). The numbers 1 and 2 of the foursome stand near one of the pawns and the numbers 3 and 4 stand near the pawns opposite them. The exercise can also be done in threes. Make sure that at the beginning of the exercise the ball is where two of the players are standing.

a. Number 1 plays the ball with two hands to number 3 at the opposite pylon, and then walks to that pylon to join number 4 behind it. Number 3 plays to number 2 and runs over too, etc. A very simple basic exercise which everybody will know.

b. Like a., but now: which foursome has passed first 25 times? Always walk around the pylon! With higher teams: which foursome has passed the ball 50 or 100 times first? And: when the ball falls on the ground: start counting from 0 again (a mistake in this exercise may simply never occur).

c. As a., but throwing with one hand.

d. As c., but throwing with the other hand.

e. As a., but catching with one hand (the players indicate by holding up one of their hands with which hand they want to catch). Of course all exercises can be worked with: 'which group has the first...'. However, it is better not to count when the group has not (yet) mastered the technique.

f. Like e., but catch with the other hand.

g. As a., but throwing and catching with one hand.

h. As g., but throwing and catching with the other hand.


1. Before the players throw, the players who are going to receive the ball make a movement to the left or right. The ball is now played to a moving player, which is significantly more difficult). With this variation, the match form does not fit.

2. Performing the exercises with medicin balls, or very light balls such as volleyballs, or even foam balls. The effect of this 'overload' or 'underload' is that by working with heavier or lighter material, (fast) strength and/or technique can be improved. For groups with little training time, however, I would argue against this variant. For specific cases, however, it can be a great solution.

In short: practising various forms of catching and throwing with pairs. The emphasis can be on learning the technique, maintaining the technique and also on fitness.

Organisation: each pair has a ball and one or two pawns if necessary. There is always a regular server who stands still, and a regular worker. After ½ to 1 minute change function.

1) The 'worker' and the declarant stand about 10 meters apart (if necessary, place a pylon near the worker). The worker approaches the ball handler and receives the ball. The worker has to catch the ball with one hand and throw it back to the player, and then walk back to the starting position. Then again, but now with the other hand, etc. (possibly a pylon near the worker). (possibly a pylon near the worker). The worker comes up to the declarer, who passes the ball at head height. The worker must
the ball
in the jump with two hands.

2) The worker and the declarer stand again about 10 meters apart (possibly a pylon near the worker). The worker comes up to the declarer, who passes the ball at head height. The worker has to play the ball back in the jump with two hands.

3) As example 2, but the worker gets the assignment to jump very high.

4) As example 2, but the handler is instructed to throw the ball about ½ meters above the head. The worker will have to process the ball in the jump above the head.

5) At 6 meters in front of the declarant stands a pylon. The worker walks up to the pylon, and makes an evasive move backwards. The defender plays the ball on the outside, so that the worker has to catch the ball with one hand. The ball is played back to the declarer in one fluent movement. The worker immediately runs to the pylon again and sidesteps the ball again, but now to the other side, so that the ball must be caught and thrown with the other hand as well.

6) As example 5, but now the ball is returned with an overhand pendulum throw.

7) As example 5, but now the ball is returned with an underhand sling throw.

8) As example 5, but now the ball is returned in one of the following 'creative' ways: with a bounce, behind the head or behind the back.

Exercises 5. to 8., but now at significantly greater distances. The exercises now require quite a lot of power.

Exercises 5. to 8., but now play the ball near the pylon one more time (catch and throw with two hands).

Exercises 5. till 8., but instead of walking in a V-shape with evasive movements, the worker walks in a straight line at about 6 meter in front of the declarator (if necessary place pawns). The worker's trajectory is now more or less perpendicular to the ball path, which makes placing the ball more difficult.

The worker moves back and forth at about 4 metres in front of the declarant in a defensive position, i.e. slightly below the knees. The worker catches and throws the ball with one hand, then he 'slides' in the other direction. About 5 metres further, he catches and throws the ball with the other hand and goes back again: all in defensive position. The exercise is mainly meant to train the upper leg muscles (and to catch and throw properly while "hurting")

Ball carrier and worker stand about 4 meters apart. The handler plays the ball very fast in succession at neck height to the helper. The handler has to return the ball in the jump as fast as possible.

As j., but the declarator plays the ball above the head. The worker must return the ball in the jump with two hands.

The 'worker' lies stretched out on the ground with the arms above the head. The handler is crouching a few meters away from him. The worker has to throw the ball back to the declarer from his lying position. The exercise is designed to strengthen the back, abdomen and upper arm muscles.

The worker sits (or lies) on the ground. The ball is thrown to the ball by the person who is standing 8 meters away. The worker must stand up as soon as possible and throw the ball back.

The worker starts at near the B-pillar and walks to the C-pillar. There, he receives the ball from skater A. After catching the ball in the jump, he has to make a quarter turn and pass the ball back to the skater. After that the worker walks back to B, etc.

As n., but now from pylon D (now catch and throw with the other hand).

The worker starts at pilon B and walks to pilon D. There he receives the ball, which is then thrown back to the declarer in the jump (with almost a half turn) with the left hand. Then he walks back to B, and does the same with the other hand.

The declarer plays the balls with an arc in the space. The worker catches the balls at the highest point and puts them back immediately.

The declarer plays the balls with a curve in space over the worker. The worker runs after him and catches the ball as fast as possible with one hand (alternating left and right).

The worker runs in circles around the pawns B and D. He always gets the ball at C. From there he throws it back behind his back to the declarer (don't make the distances too large). The thrower throws alternating left and right!

As s., but the worker plays the ball back with a sling throw over the head.


All exercises in which the worker walks back and forth in front of the declarer (in circles around the pawns) can also be performed with the worker always walking in circles around the declarer.

In connection with the dizziness that may arise, do change the walking direction regularly!

All exercises become slightly more difficult if the declarer, who has been standing still until now, is instructed to move slightly. Do not use this variation if the exercise is intended as a fitness exercise!

In short: various (more difficult) forms of catching and throwing with pairs facing each other in a stand.

Organisation: Two people stand opposite each other with 5 to 10 metres in between (depending on the level of the group), one of them has a ball. Both players stand still. To mark the distance, it is possible to place two cones or place the players behind two lines.

Both players pass the ball to each other with a pendulum throw (when thrown with the left foot: right foot in front, the position of the body is such that the right shoulder points forward, the ball is released above the head).

Like example 1, now try to keep the exercise 'rotating', that is: number 1 hurls the ball to number 2. Number 2 catches the ball (underhand, with his fingers down) and swings the ball back to number 1 in a fluent movement. So catching is the beginning of the pendulum movement, there is no stop in the movement. Are we going to keep the ball in the net?

As example 2, but now with an underhand pendulum throw: the ball is caught quite high and is thrown underhand with a curve.

The players pass the ball to each other behind their backs. Just like with the pendulum throw, the body is turned a little (when thrown with the right hand, the left shoulder should be closest to the fellow player). Keep the distances relatively small.

The players play the ball to each other in the jump: just before receiving the ball they jump up, catch the ball, play it back quickly and only then land on the ground. A rather tricky exercise, where timing is of the essence, most will jump too early and therefore have no time to play the ball back. It is possible to let only one of the two jump and change tasks halfway. This simple exercise is not suitable for young children with little jumping power.

As example 5, but now catching and throwing with one hand (the ball must be clearly placed to the left or right of the body!)

As example 5, but the ball is caught above the head and tapped back.

The players stand with their backs to each other. Number 1, holding the ball with two hands, turns his hands so that his left hand is under the ball and his right hand is to the left of the ball (the arms are now more or less crossed). Then the ball is thrown with the right hand to number 2, whereby the body rotates clockwise behind the ball in the direction of number 2: a way of throwing which is quite common in handball.

Inshort: basic exercise with pairs to learn or improve throwing and catching with one hand.

Organisation: Two people stand opposite each other, 5-10 metres apart (depending on the level of the group), one of them has a ball. Both players stand still. To mark the distance, it is possible to place two pawns or place the players behind two lines. (In case of an uneven number of players: it is better to form a trio than to join in or leave one player standing on the side).

The players throw the ball to each other with one hand, they catch it with two hands.

The same, but now: 'which pair can play back and forth 25 times the fastest? Or: 'which pair can pass the ball the longest without dropping it?

As example 1, but throw the ball with two hands and catch it with one hand (the receiver indicates on which hand he wants the ball).

As example 3, catch with the other hand.

Now throw with one hand and catch with one hand.

As example 1, but now with the 'wrong hand'.

As example 1, but now with the 'wrong hand' throw and catch.

Eight throws: number 1 throws with his right hand to number 2, who catches the ball with his right hand, grabs the ball with his left hand and throws the ball back to number 1 with his left hand. Number 1 catches with his left hand, passes to his right hand and throws to number 2 again. The ball makes an 8-course. Learned young, done old.

The players give each other difficult balls: they throw in such a way that you have to make an effort to catch the ball (with one hand).


The same exercises, but now at a greater distance.

A nice variation is to have both players start close to each other and after e.g. three passes each take a small step backwards. After a while they will stand further apart and the maximum distance will be reached. (Have everyone throw at maximum distance a few times at most!)

The same exercises, but now both players move slightly back and forth: players in motion must be placed.

Inshort: basic exercise with pairs to learn or improve throwing and catching with two hands.

Organisation: Two people stand opposite each other, 5 to 10 metres apart (depending on the level of the group), one of them has a ball. Both players stand still. To mark the distance, it is possible to place two pawns or place the players behind two lines.

(In case of an uneven number of players: it is better to form a trio than to join in or let one player stand aside). Don't let the players stand too 'stiff' in these rather static exercises, they should move loosely and relaxed.

The players throw the ball to each other with two hands at chest height. The catch is made with both hands. Pay attention to the technique of catching (or throwing, not both at the same time).

The same, but now: 'which pair can play back and forth 25 times the fastest? Or: 'which pair can pass the ball the longest without dropping it?

Same, but now the ball is played high (higher than chest height, but not so high that the players have to jump to catch the ball).

The same, but now the ball is played low.

The players stand closer together and bounce the ball off each other.

The players play the ball alternately high, low or with a bounce to each other.


The same exercises, but now at a greater distance.

A nice variation is to have both players start close to each other and after e.g. three passes each take a small step backwards. After a while they will stand further apart and the maximum distance will be reached. (Let everyone throw a few times at maximum distance!)

One of the two players is now the regular thrower, the other (the 'worker') stands opposite him at about 10 metres. The 'worker' comes running, the declarer plays with two hands at chest height. The worker stops, catches the ball with his two hands and passes it back to the declarer. After some time, the players swap tasks.

One of the two players is the regular declarator, the other one (the 'worker') runs back and forth at about 5 meter distance in front of the declarator. The defender plays the ball with two hands. The worker catches the ball with two hands and puts it back as fast as possible.

After a while change. Make sure the ball is placed 'in front of the man'.

Inshort:playful running forms with groups, some forms involve working with a ball.

Organisation: groups of three or four runners line up behind a start/finish line. There is another line parallel to this line at about 15 metres distance. See also the description of the different types of relays.

Number 1 of each group sprints to the line at 15 meter, taps it, sprints back and taps the next group. After that it is this one's turn and so on.

Which group finishes first?


Relays are often smuggled out. To make the change fairer, you can give each group a ball, which has to be given to the next runner. Or even stronger: let the players walk around the group, which is standing wide-legged, and roll the ball between the legs of the players to the front. Number 2 will thus certainly not be able to start too early!

As example 1, but now run backwards.

As example 1, but two players run at the same time, holding each other by the hand. First number 1 and 2, then number 2 and 3 and so on.

The players limp to the other side and sprint back.

The players have to dribble with a ball to the other side and return.

At the other side there is a basket. The players have to run to the basket with the ball in their hands, score a goal and sprint back with the ball in their hands. If no goals have been scored after three times, they may also run back.

The players walk on their hands and feet to the other side and sprint back.

In short: various games of tag.

Organisation: Mark out an area that is not too big (20 by 10 to 20 metres) with the help of baskets or pawns. If there are more than one ticker, give each of them a ribbon.

Ordinary tag: one tagger must tag as many people as possible in a certain time (for example 30 seconds). Whoever is tagged, stands aside. Who manages to tap the most people? Or: who succeeds in not being tagged at all?

Like example 1, but with two taggers (if the group is a bit bigger).

Twin tag. As example 2, but both taggers hold each other by the hand.

As example 2, the one who is tagged, stands in the field buck. The others can free you by jumping over the goat.

Away with the ball. One of the players has a ball. The ball is played at random. The catcher must try to catch the player who has the ball in his hands. If the group is large, then split it in two (and thus work with two tickers). Saint George and the dragon. Forming groups of four or five. Three or four players stand behind each other and hold each other by the waist. In front of each row stands one player (a ticker). This player must try to catch the last one in the row. The group tries to prevent this by moving around. The players have to hold on to each other! If the row is broken or if the last one is caught, change the ticker.

Overlap. The players stand on one long side of a rectangular area (about the size of a gymnasium). The scapegoat walks somewhere in the middle of the area. When the trainer tells them to, all players must run over to the other long side. The scapegoat tries to catch as many players as possible. When they get through the area, they have to wait for the next signal to go back. Who is not tagged in 6 times? This game of tag can also serve as a playful exercise in defending.

In short: various running and jumping exercises in circuit form,

mainly aimed at improving 'the condition'.

Organisation: depending on the chosen circuit. Below an example

(see the figure) of a circuit with six pairs. In this case you need

6 pillars, two benches and a skipping rope.

You work with pairs.

As soon as the first one of each pair has finished, the second one does the exercise.

As soon as the first of each pair has finished his part, the second will perform the exercise.

When this one is also finished, they both move on to the next exercise.
The trainer always gives the time that you have to work, in this case
30 seconds. To make it more competitive,
each person can count the number of repetitions. Who in each pair runs
and jumps the fastest?

Description of the different parts:
1. Run for the cones: the players run around the cones. At the end they quickly walk back and start all over again.

2. Bench jump: the players jump back and forth over the bench, using their two legs to take off. After six jumps, they reach the end of the bench and then they walk back to the beginning of the bench to start all over again.

3. Walking around the bench and back.

4. Jumping rope, even the boys yes! (For encouragement, tell them that jumping rope is a favorite fitness exercise for boxers!)

5. Line walk: sprint to the first line, tap it, then walk backwards to the starting line, then forward again to the second line and finally backwards again to the starting line. After that start all over again.

6. Jumping: always jump over the 'free man' and back.

In short: practising fast starting and high jumping in duels for the ball.

Organisation: Each team of three (about the same size) a ball and a piece of the hall or the field.

Jump ball or referee throw. The numbers 2 and 3 stand close together at a few metres from number 1. The numbers 2 and 3 must try to get it first. Who wins the duel the most? After two substitutions.

Numbers 2 and 3 stand right next to each other at about 7 metres in front of number 1. Numbers 2 and 3 sprint towards it and try to catch the ball before it falls to the ground. After, for example, 8 changes, the second change is made after another 8 changes.

Number 1 stands between numbers 2 and 3. He rolls the ball a bit away. As soon as the ball has left the hands, numbers 2 and 3 may start. Who will get the ball first? Number 1 may also make feint throws. Physical contact will occur during these exercises. This is officially forbidden, but everyone knows that it happens and that a lot of it is allowed or not noticed by the referees. It is therefore sensible to practise starting and jumping with an opponent around who will touch you lightly or give you a push now and then (whether intentionally or not). Experience has also taught me that some players who actually lose all duels during matches (or even avoid them), can play much 'harder' after doing this exercise one or more times if they have to. And sometimes even like to do so... Enough about this, it seems to me that this is not the place to point out how opponents can be trumped by physical violence.

As above, but now the trio are standing at about 10 metres from a line. Who is first to catch the ball rolled away by number 1 before it rolls over the line, number 2 or number 3? Note: it is not allowed to 'slip' over the line. If for instance number 2 manages to keep the ball in by holding it back for a moment, but does not come to a stop before the line, then there is still a nice possibility for number 3, who fell behind, to grab the ball first!

The numbers 2 and 3 stand close together at a few metres distance from number 1. Who will get the ball first?

In short: running exercise with sprinting and turning in which the players have to go to the bottom.

Organisation: Five lines are laid out with a distance of about 5 metres between them. In the hall will be told which lines on the floor are involved.

Everyone positions themselves behind the starting line. Everyone starts at the same time. You sprint to the first line at 5 metres. Stop, turn and sprint back to the starting line.

Then to the third line (at 15 metres) and back again and then once more to the last line. If necessary touch the ground at every line.

You have to go 'to the bottom' (you will succeed). This exercise can be repeated several times, but then there must be a clear rest in between. In this rest period one can take e.g. one free ball from each section. Then line up behind the line again and sprint etc. until everyone in the section has taken one free ball.

The same exercise but now with three teams in relay. Which group finishes first?

Picking up cubes. Like a., but now cubes are placed at the place of the lines, which the children have to collect one by one. Who finishes first?

The 'course' is the same, but now the children alternate between walking forward and backward, or they walk with cross passes, with running jumps,