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Korfball drills for technique condition / strength

  • 1 declarer throws the ball to the person in front of the basket then he takes a shot if the ball is caught under the basket he then goes inside and takes a through ball finally he then takes a short chance.
  • Point count:
    • Shot counts 2x
    • Walkthrough counts 1x
    • Short chance counts 1x
  • 3 min long and then look per basket who has the most points
  • At pawn 1
    • touch the groundTouch the ground, jump up and stretch all the way. We do this 5 times.
  • Pole 1
    • Then you take a dodge at pole 1.
    • RUN TO POLE 2.
  • Pole 2
    • 5 sit ups.
    • RUN TO POLE 2.
  • Pole 2
    • run through the pole 2.
  • Pole 3
    • 5 squads.
  • Pole 3
    • Score 1 small chance
    • We do this 3 times, then change under the pole

4 poles and 8 players, each pole 1 contributor with a ball. 4 players start from the middle.

1 - Run through from the centre and immediately swap with the attacker, who is the first to score 10 points?


2 - Same exercise but now a run through (no shot), declarer pulls back and shoots. Who is the first to score 10 short chances?

3 - Addition to 2, from the middle a runthrough, stays behind (no shot), plays the ball again on the new incision and makes an evasion.

  • The whole group walks a circle around 4 baskets.
  • When the trainer calls 'yes', the person at the back of the line goes to the front of the line as fast as possible.
  • The children do this by doing a sprint.

After that/ alternation

  • Heels and buttocks, sprinting, lifting the knees etc.
  • When the trainer calls 'yes', the person at the back of the row starts running as fast as he can and then he can choose what he wants to do.
  • It must be something other than normal running/jogging, it may be sprinting.
  • Goal; to practice condition / tempo change in running
  • Everyone makes penalty throws until there are 2 or 3 left.
  • Everyone picks the person they think is going to win by standing behind them.
  • The winning team starts cleaning up and the losers have to run 2 laps first

training f1 and f2

number of baskets: 5

number of players:10




Make a square of hats or baskets.

  • In the middle put balls (1 less than the number of players).
  • The players walk in circles around the hats
  • At the whistle they run in and try to get a ball

When you have a ball you may make a shot attempt (penalty throw distance, at pylon or in the hoop) and if you score you have a point,


- keep doing it, who's first at 3 points

- Shoot in front of the basket.

Walk backwards/sweep arms/shake buttocks.

- At every new round one ball less in the middle. The players who did not get the ball keep on walking or waiting.

Note : it's not about running fast, as long as they keep moving.

per 2 or max 3 teams 1 basket

baskets in the middle of the hall

number 1 runs from the backline to halfway and gets the ball from number 2. Nr 1 sprints back to the backline. When the ball is thrown and caught properly, continue otherwise start again.

No. 1 sprints to the cone 2,5 meter before the basket, makes a penalty throw, sprints back to the backline.

When point is scored change function if not continue until point is scored.

Which team will have 6 points first?

Variant with dodge ball or walk through ball instead of penalty throw.

  • We have poles, cones or caps placed 8 metres apart in a square.
  • The team divides itself over the poles, cones or caps.
  • Next, they are going to sprint 100% for a few seconds.
    • They start with:
      • 30 seconds sprint.
        • 1 minute rest.
      • Sprint for 45 seconds.
        • 1 minute rest
      • 60 second sprint.
        • 1 minute rest.
      • 75 second sprints.
        • 1 minute rest
      • 60 second sprints.
        • 1 minute rest.
      • 45 second sprint.
        • 1 minute rest.
      • 30 second sprints.
        • END

six poles. Three of you at the pole.

One of the group runs laps. 1 side sprints at 100%, remaining 50%.
1 other group member will round off. 1 shot 2 meters, 1 shot three meters, 1 pass ball. Swap with the running player when finished. Call out when everyone has been.

  • Put out a square of 20 by 20 with hats.
  • In the middle put balls (1 less than the number of players)
  • The players walk in circles around the hats
  • At the whistle they run in and try to get a ball

When you have a ball you can try to shoot (penalty throw - distance) and if you score you have a point, at every new round one ball less in the middle. The players who don't get the ball keep running.

Setup: O v * * = pilon O = basket

* v O

sure that they first pass the ball before passing it.

Distance between the pile and the basket is +/- 10 meterAt
each pile there is one person with the ballAt
+/- 4 meter from the pile there is one defender.

The player tries to pass the ball. By changing tempo she tries to pass the defender first. Defender follows, but lets her pass. From pole 1 the attacker moves on to pole 2 and makes a new attempt at pole 2.


  • 2 attackers at the same time
  • When scoring twice, switch to pass.
  • Defender goes for preventing shot.
  • Attacker can choose for walk through, dodge and/or distance with step behind
    • adjust time
    • multiple posts/pillars/players

Let's get used to the field.

Three poles in a triangle. Three running players. From the pillon you push. Remember technique.

1) take a walk through ball. Scoring three is substitution2
) Take neighbourhood ball. Scoring one is exchanging3)
Walk through ball overhead4
) Walk through ball backwards5
) score 10 together.