Soccer drills
Stand in a square per 4
Pass the ball around with the following commands
Pass the ball around with the following commands
- Pass to player on your left
- Pass to player on your right
- Pass in turn to player next to you and diagonally (Next to - Diagonal - Next to - Diagonal - ...)
- Pass to player next to you. A player may return the ball max 1 time per turn.
- Pass with left or right
- With or without stopping
- Stop left, pass right or vice versa
Note on numbers
Combine with pass exercise where 2 or 3 players face 2 or 3 players: pass, follow ball and join others
Combine with pass exercise where 2 or 3 players face 2 or 3 players: pass, follow ball and join others
- Tag: the tagger tries to take off the vests from the shorts.
- All other players have a vest tucked into their pants from behind

Exercise A:
ball overpass through gate right - and left legged. Emphasis on stance leg slightly dropping through knee and kicking ball in the middle. Keep body straight, do not hunch.
Exercise B:
instep kick.
ball overpass through gate right - and left legged. Emphasis on stance leg slightly dropping through knee and kicking ball in the middle. Keep body straight, do not hunch.
Exercise B:
instep kick.
Exercise C:
dribble around the pawn, first inside foot right and left, then try outside foot.
Speed is not necessary, rather hit the ball every step.
- Players A and B change after 3 min, after 6 min A & B change to C.

- K1 gets ball from trainer
- K2 puts pressure on K1
- K1 plays ball into 1 of 2 small goals

Per 2 passes to each other:
- Short distance
- Long distance

- The first player plays the ball deep to the second player.
- This second player then passes the ball.
- The first player finishes.

- Perform this exercise with inside foot.
- Distance to pawn either side 5 meters.
- Per team 1 trainer who counts points.
- Start on one side and let players kick on opposite side.
- knock over a pawn 3 points.
- hit pawn on front side but not around then 1 point.

- Exercise A: Overpass ball through gate right and left legged.
Emphasis on stance leg dropping slightly through knee and kick leg hitting ball in the middle.
Keep body straight, do not hang. - Exercise B: instep kick.
- Exercise C: dribble around the pawn, first inside foot right and left, then try outside foot.
Speed is not necessary, prefer to hit the ball every step. - Players A and B change after 5 minutes, if all 3 have been to B then A & B change to C.

Goal: Dribble the ball through a gate in the middle without the defender "crocodile" taking the ball away.
- Dribble ball through gate.
- Avoid the defender "crocodile.
- Put hat on pawn when goal is reached.
- First to win 3 times.

- Exercise A: passing the ball through right and left legged gates
- Emphasis on stance leg dropping slightly through knee
- Hitting the ball in the middle
- Keep body straight, do not hang up
- Exercise B: instep kick.
- Exercise C: dribble around the pawn
- First inside foot right and left
- Then try outside foot
- No need for speed, preferably hitting the ball every step

Warming up 3 exercises +- 8 min
- 1st 6 meter sprint next to the field.
- get them ready 1 leg in front 1 behind
- hands next to the body
- each 3x
- 2nd exercise stand on 1 leg other leg bent backwards 20 seconds hold then other leg.
- If this is difficult, you do a round per leg.
- 3rd exercise is with ball on upper leg-> ball on foot and catch both cases.
Dribbling exercises. The goals are 1 meter big
- Dribble through as many goals as possible within a minute.
- They can do this all at the same time.
- But they should not go through a goal at the same time. Make sure they do not wait for each other at a goal then they have to find another goal. If they wait too often, add 2 more goals.
- Dribble 1 ball with pairs. Score by kicking the ball through the goal to your partner.
- Practice for a few minutes, then play. Who scores the most goals within a minute?
- Goals dribbling waste rounds.
- In box have ball dribble on yes sign have ball stop in goal.
- Last one falls off each time until there is 1 winner.
- In this exercise, have the players first dribble and kick the ball into the goal without dropping out.
- Kicking exercise
- 2 goals and pylons at 5 meters, 8 meters and 10 meters. Shoot into goal via inside foot.
- Then hit 1 pylon to the back.
- Make sure the stand leg is next to the ball not against it and pointing towards the goal.
- Make sure the shooting leg is brought to the back and swung straight ahead.
- Correct if they are not doing this correctly.
- Remaining time; party form

- Distance about 10 meters
- Walking exercise: first easy walking pace 3x
- Have players stand side by side in place;
- have leg lifted at hip height and arm forward so the finger comes up to shoulder height.
- Then walk at pace,
- have leg lifted to hip height and arm forward so finger comes up to shoulder height.
- If right leg goes up then left arm should also go up. The rest of the body remains still. 10x at a slow pace.
- Then accelerate 10x while ensuring that the player performs the exercise correctly technically as described above.