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Handball drills for technique strength

  • Jump as far as you can from a standing position with your feet next to each other.
  • Measure the distance from the line of touch to the heel.


Starting position

  • Lie on your back.
  • Bend your knees to 90 degrees and place both feet flat on the floor.
  • Your arms are along your body with the palms facing down.


  • Tighten your buttocks and stomach.
  • Lift your buttocks off the ground to form a straight line with your knees, hips and shoulders.


  • To make this exercise more difficult: alternately extend your right and left leg, keeping your hips in position.bridge

  • 30 sec jumping jacks
  • 30 sec sit ups
  • 30se squats
  • 30 sec push up and turn arm up
  • 30 sec high knee running in place
  • 30 sec lunges
  • 30 sec plank
  • Example of running routes from a 6-0 defense.


  • balls all at the center line
  • They make 2 teams.
  • They all stand in 1 of the 2 corners.
  • Then you bounce a ball and they have to move to the goalpost and sprint to you.
  • Then you can for example roll the ball away, bounce it.
  • Or just hold it and see who gets it first.
  • What I often do when 1 person is left, then I let that person catch the balls and keep indicating
  • Make two teams.
  • The goal is to get the ball to the other side of the line.
  • You do this by standing in plank position and then pushing the ball to the other person who is standing further down in plank position.
  • Then you run to the front and stand in a holding position and wait for the ball to come.
  • The team that gets to the other side first wins.

1. duo exercises

  • cross-legged and holding each other by the hands, we gently pull our partner towards us
  • Spread position and we hold each other by the hands, we stretch the hamstrings.
  • Stretching position and we hold on to each other. We bring the legs to a 90° angle and hold this for 20''.
  • Formation by 3: 1 player holds the stick in the middle.
  • The other two stand at opposite ends of the stick.
  • The player who is holding the stick drops it unexpectedly.
  • The 2 others catch the stick with 1 hand before it falls to the ground.
  • One mat per 2.
  • You work in pairs.
  • One is working on fitness, the other on strength.
  • You do it for 15 minutes.
  • The one doing strength is leading, the other is working on the condition until the one doing strength is done you continue with your condition exercise.
  • 20-18-16-14 etc.
  • person strength has the mat:
    • squats,
    • abs,
    • push-ups.
  • person fitness:
    • Back line (jogging back),
    • middle line (jogging back),
    • 9 meter sprint (jogging back) and
    • sprint 6 meters (quietly back).
  1. 5 min run: at a pace that remains the same for 5 min. how many laps can you run?
  2. stretching: arms, shoulders, legs, torso
  3. abdominal exercises: lifting, scissoring, bending and stretching.