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Korfball drills for technique running in shot

  • Player A starts with the ball 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post.
  • Player B also stands 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post.
  • Player A throws the ball to player B and player B throws it back.
  • Thus they bring the ball up to about 8 meters in front of the post.
  • From there player B starts for a through ball from the space indicated by player A.
  • Player A also runs in after it to catch the ball before it bounces on the ground.
- Most goals in a 10-minute time frame.
- Whoever gets to 10 goals first.
- Make it harder by taking a point off every ball on the ground.
- Possibly with a 3rd person there to rotate through and keep a slightly slower pace.
drawing Walk-through ball from space
  • At pawn 1
    • touch the groundTouch the ground, jump up and stretch all the way. We do this 10 times.
  • Pole
    • next you take a dodge at the pole.
    • RUN TO PAWN 2.
  • Pole 2
    • 5 sit ups.
  • Pole
    • take a run through at the pole from behind the basket
    • RUN TO PAWN 1
  • Pawn 1
    • Push-ups 5 times
  • Pole
    • Take the penalty throw
    • RUN TO PAWN 2
  • Pole 2
    • Shot four meters behind the basket
    • After the intercepted shot, receive the ball and throw it back to the receiver, who is standing next to the basket.
    • Sprint to pion 1 and start again
  • We do this 3 times
  • Keep the post clear and keep your distance from each other.
  • But each time change under the post.
drawing Shooting and muscles (1)

Goaltender throws to forward goes after the ball for:

  • pass
  • dodge
  • shot

Bitch catches and throws to opposite side etc. With 2 balls at the same time.

  • 1Minute
    1. DL > 2 (without ball)
    2. DL with ball > 4
    3. DL with ball > 1
  • 30 sec Russian twist + ball
  • If player performs exercise, players take penalty throw


  • 1Minute
    1. DL > 2 (without ball)
    2. DL with ball > 4
    3. DL with ball > 1
  • 30 sec Russian twist + ball
  • If player performs exercise, players take penalty throw


  • 1Minute
    1. District ball > 2
    2. DL with ball > 4
    3. Shot with ball > 1
  • 30 sec Planking
  • If player performs exercise, players take penalty throw


  • Ball is played from the support to the left or right, running out to the playing side.
  • The outrunner gets the ball back and plays the broken through player from the other side.
  • If you have a player in the back of the field, they also break through at the moment the ball is played in from the front.
drawing Walk-through ball from space
  • The baskets are in the middle of the box/field lengthwise
  • Player with ball under the post.
  • Player 1 takes the through ball and passes to player 3. Who takes a through ball and goes to the spot of 1.

    • 3 minutes of running from line to line and scoring through balls on the front underhand and on the back overhand. At 50% speed.
      After each minute, the declarer switches without stopping the exercise.
    • 3 minutes at 75%.
    • 1.5 minutes at 100% but slow down
    • 3 minutes at 75%
    • 3 minutes at 50%
drawing Walk-through ball with endurance conditioning in pyramid construction
  • Player 1 stands by the pawn
  • Player 2 comes to offer next to player 1 and doubles once
  • Player 2 then runs deep
  • Player 1 goes after his own ball and makes a handover
  • Player 2 takes a through ball
  • Exchange after X chances
  • Scoring a total of X goals
drawing Passing, running with through ball and deep line
  • The player goes down the speed ladder from the left side to the center. There the ball is ready on the ground,
  • This ball is played inside and then the person who ran the ladder runs around the ladder and cuts inside with speed.
drawing Speed ladder walk-through ball
  • About 3 exercises with defender at 80%. (allow chance).
  • About 10 walk-throughs.
  • About 10 short chances (2-3m) on the move.
  • About 10 shots (5-6 m) on the move.

drawing 1-1 Exercises with 80% pressure
  • Players learn not to throw a ball to the passer and then wait for the ball to be caught, but to run after it immediately.
  • The ball is thrown to the basket.
  • Immediately after throwing the ball, run after it to the basket.
  • Goal is to be past the line before the ball is caught.
  • Then get the ball back and shoot.
  • The line makes the assignment concrete.
  • Depending on the team, this may or may not be necessary.
  • Variation 1:
    • The ball starts under the basket, is outplayed and immediately thrown back.
  • Variation 2:
    • Working with an opponent.
    • This opponent does not run with the ball to the basket (because that would not work in an exercise where the breakthrough is the only option), but does ensure that the attacker has to run around something.