Volleyball drills for technique general
- Throwing the ball high
- Get under the ball
- Playing the ball to the high hoop

- Starting in the back at a distance of about 3 meters
- Play in pairs towards the net
- Always play one meter diagonally forward
- Play overhead, underhand, backhand
- Hit the last ball over the net
- If necessary, play a ball in front of yourself
- If too easy, increase distance

Matches 2 against 2, with different assignments, such as:
- Ball must compulsorily cross the net in 2x;
- Only attack from behind 3 meters;
- Only the first ball is allowed underarm;
- Smaller field.
1 person in the middle plays the ball up, teammates in a circle around it must make sure the ball comes back:
- With 1 hand touching the ball, never 2x in a row
- In 5x back or touched 2x by everyone
- Touching the ground with the hand after each action
Players throw ball on trampoline and catch off:
- underhand
- overhand
- overhand and key/push to basket

- Divide the team into two groups and have them form two rows facing each other on the 3-meter line.
- Have the players play over the net and then walk around the cone to join the other group.
- On 1 side, parallel to the sideline, place a speed ladder and before joining the line, have the players do a drill through the ladder.
- On the other side, place pawns where they have to slalom, turn around.
- Importantly, the ball should not fall to the ground, communication is important.
- Optionally add a penalty if the ball falls to the ground. Head roll, Back roll.
- First with underhand throwing and catching - then overhand. Catch and push change to toss up and over-key.

Equipment setup:
- Goal in the middle of the field against the wall, with one player in it
- Other players in a row
Game sequence:
- Players throw/strike the ball at the goal and try to score in the goal. Each in turn.
- The player in the goal , blue, tries to keep the balls out of the goal.
Use 5 pawns as scoreboards.
Each player who scores may take a pawn away from the goalkeeper. At 5 goals switch players in goal.
Use 5 pawns as scoreboards.
Each player who scores may take a pawn away from the goalkeeper. At 5 goals switch players in goal.

With tennis ball
- throwing and catching against the wall
- Throw up and catch with a pylon
- Throw against wall and catch with pylon
- Throw through the ground against the wall and catch with a pylon
- Per 2 income in the field
- The TR stands along the other side and throws in a ball.
- The 2 in the field build up and step aside for the next 2.

- Throw ball OH over or save OH
- 1 player on the chair.
- Whoever can catch the ball goes to serve.
- Whoever served goes to the chair.

Players face each other on opposite sides of the net. Each player has a ball.
- Player a. and player b. simultaneously throw underhand over the net with 2 hands and catch each other's ball
- Match: each player throws over the net 10 times! Which pair is the fastest?
- Player a. chooses from rolling under the net or throwing over. Player b. must do the opposite. Choose and switch 5 times each
- Player a. and player b. simultaneously throw underhand over the net with 2 hands and now catch each other's ball in key position overhead.
- Player a. and player b. simultaneously throw underhand over the net with 2 hands - now key each other's ball vertically above the head and now catch in key position above the head.

- 2 teams are made.
- 1 team starts in the field, the other team stands at the side.
- A ball is thrown into the field by the trainers. This MUST be played in 3x over the net.
- If it is only passed once, then it is 2x no play -2x2=4x push-ups.
- If the ball is passed 2x, it is 1x2=2x push up.
- If the ball is played 3 times but goes out or into the net, then it is no point -3x2=6x push-ups-.
- Once one team is out, the other team comes in.
- The ball played over the net must be near the trainers so they can continue the rally.
- The trainers may only play on when the team has played 3 times.