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Volleyball drills for technique serving

  • Make two teams.
  • Set up a two benches one person sits on the bench.
  • Other on the other side of the net who are going to serve to the person on the bench when the ball is caught 1 point and then switch persons.


Three players line up to pass (numbers 3, 4 and 5). Player 2 stands ready at the side of the same court. The other players are ready with ball to serve on the other side.

  • Player 1 serves the ball (and then runs straight to where player 2 is already standing).
  • A player passes the ball to the server on position 2/3. The server gives a setup. And the third player plays the ball over the net.
  • When the ball is over the net, the players turn: 2 enters the field (where 3 stood before) 3 goes to mid-back, 4 goes to the spot of 5 and 5 goes the serving spot of the other half.
  • Then the next player can serve, on the drawing this is player 8. Etc.

Besides technique, communication is very important in volleyball. And both aspects apply to this exercise. And respond adequately to situations which are different than normal. In such an exercise you see very well how different players are.


3 players position for passing (numbers 3, 4 and 5). Player 2 is ready on the side of the same side. The other players are ready with the ball to serve on the other side.

  • Player 1 serves the ball (and immediately walks back to where player 2 is standing).
  • A player passes the ball. Another player sets up. And a third player plays the ball over the net. All three players have to play the ball, or pass, or set up, or attack
  • When the ball is over the net, the players rotate: 2 enters the field (where 3 was standing) 3 goes to centre back, 4 goes to where 5 was standing, and 5 goes to the serving spot on the other side.
  • Then the next player can serve, player 8 on the drawing etc.


  • 4 balls
  • 7-8 players

SIDE 1: 1 player position 5 - rest of the players reserve along the sideline (3
)SIDE 2: 1 person storage position 1 - 1 person position 6 - 1 person position 5 (4)

  1. EXERCISE part 1
  • 2 serves to position 5
  • 1 raise to position 6
  • 1 serve to position 1

Each player does the exercise 4 times, then change.

  1. EXERCISE part 2:
  • From 1 to 1
  • From 5 to 5

Each player does the exercise 4 times, then change.

  • field is divided in 2 parts
  • on side 1 are 1 playmaker, the libero and the middle attackers
  • on side 2 are the other players
  • there are on each side 1 attacker and 1 blocker and a server.
  • depending on the number of players there is 1 passer or 2 passers.
  • the purpose of this exercise is to get in agreement with the distributor which ball you want to play.
  • With the middle players we will practice on the 'rise' balls and other variations such as the 'neck'.
drawing coordination with playmaker
  • Everyone on one side and then overhead service.
  • do it once.
  • Then one by one give attention.
  • Foot forward, other foot diagonal and keep it on the ground.
  • divide the group 4/3/3
  • The quartet starts with practicing serving.
  • After serving a few times, trainer indicates where the service should go.
  • The 6 team on the other side must play a service pass and finish a rally.
  • then change.
  • 3 players are ready to catch the serve, 1 player stands in the front middle where the passer is standing.
  • The rest of the players at the back line with a ball.
  • They are going to serve and the 3 players have to play the ball to the one in the front center.
  • Save outside or ladder and pump 10 times, the passer may not leave the hoop.
  • If the player does the reception and can catch the passer without leaving the hoop, they have a point.
  • Reception player --> pass --> save. The first one to get 10 points wins.
  • In today's exercise, the following techniques will be used: serving, attacking, passing and distributing.
  • However, the emphasis is on the pass and the distribution.
  • The players have to watch, think well and react adequately during this exercise.

service-pass-and-distributionThe diagram looks more complicated than the exercise is. The exercise goes as follows (I keep the numbering of the red numbers):

  • 1 player 3 serves
  • 2a one of the two playmakers runs to the position at the right front (the playmakers take turns)
  • 2b one of the two passers (in this case player 2) passes the ball to the right front side
  • 2c player 3 (who has just served) runs to the backline of the other half of the game
  • 3 the server gives a setup to the player who did NOT pass. A setup to the centre if player 2 has passed and a setup to the outside if player 1 has passed.
  • 4+5 the player who did not pass attacks (in this case player 1)
  • 6a the attacker retrieves his own batted ball and joins the back of the line of serves.
  • 6b the attacker's place is taken by the first player in the row behind the court.

As soon as the ball is struck the next service is executed.

  • Group split into two groups of 5, field divided into two halves'.
  • on each side a bench on the back line with cones on it. (opposite sides)
  • 3 players leave on the back line, 1 reserve, 1 service on other side of the field.
  • A serve is given to the three players: reception - pass - touch over net.
  • when the player has played the ball the players walk to the side where the bench is: reception - pass - hit to the cones
  • Which team hits the most cones off the bench?
drawing Knocking pawns off the bench
  • 1 catcher at the net each side
  • 2 passers either side
  • 2 or 3 server both ends
  • Per group (server-passer-catcher) take turns serving.
  • Pass to SV/catcher Ball to OTHER server.


  • Server hits the ball and serves.
  • From the side and back three defenders quickly enter the field, one passes to the SV at the 2 position.
  • He gives a three-metre pass to one of the defenders who did not pass.
  • Passers swap with the reserves.
  • After x times swap roles.
  • Option:L the server defends the three-meter ball.