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Volleyball drills for technique warming-up

Line game

  • Trainer chooses lines and numbers them 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
  • everybody stands on the outside line
  • trainer calls a number and everyone runs to the line with that number
  • repeat a number of times
  • then the last one, who comes on the line is out.

Ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, wrists neck loosening


10x up, 10x teletubbie, 10x tapping feet, legs to left, 10x teletubbies, 10x legs to right, 8x pushups

scorpion, hip cross over, handwalk, inverted hamstring, lunges

Play fanatically


  • After that 3 people who throw a ball (long, short, long)
  • the other players pass the ball and move well sideways and forwards and backwards
  • Stand still while passing
  • Then the players hit the balls
  • Then hit, short, red ball

To practice jumping make 2 pairs.
It's not about the run up but purely about the jump.

1 of the 2 sits on the ground with the feet straight ahead and the arms spread.
The other jumps for example over the right arm after that over the legs and then again over left arm. (5 rounds and then switch)

Half court. One ticker. When one is tagged, one stands with legs open. Someone else can free himself by sliding through his legs. Trainer calls when ticker changes.

  • Walk slowly to the other side of the hall.
  • One player indicates with a "Yes" that the other players have to do an assignment.
  • On the way back another player gives the assignments.
    The assignments can be made up by the players themselves. Until everyone has been.
  • Squats with arm swing, bend the knees (weight backwards as if you are sitting on a chair) swing the arms downwards and as soon as you come up with the arms again, the body comes up to the toes.
  • Handwalk. Put your hand flat on the ground and walk as far as you can with your hands in front of you, walk back with your hands under the shoulder, press up and walk with your feet to the hands
  • Loose twist and stretch + penalty bench
  • 2x running
  • 2x sideways
  • 2x cross pass
  • 2x heels buttocks
  • 2x knee lifts
  • 10/15 count abs/arm muscles
  • 15 sit-ups
  • 5/10 push-ups

Ladder walking at high speed. Can be extended with left-right stepping out of the ladder with one or two feet.

Slalom around the pawns.

Attack pass to the net and shuffle backwards (3x attack pass and 2x shuffle).

Step under the net.

Sideways past the net with head under net edge.

Make a dive across the field.

Walk around the pawn and sprint over the backline.

Run back to starting position.


Ladder walking at high speed. Can be extended with left-right stepping out of the ladder with one or two feet.

Slalom around the pawns.

Attack pass to the net and shuffle backwards (3x attack pass and 2x shuffle).

Step under the net.

Sideways past the net with head under net edge.

Make a dive across the field.

Walk around the pawn and sprint over the backline.

Run back to starting position.


Divide the teams on both halves of the field.
Trainer throws in the ball and the teams play the ball across it to each other.
Every player who has played the ball taps the back line and comes back into the field.

Start with catching and throwing and if that goes well you start playing for real (BH or OA).

1. 4 x back and forth (forward and backward
) 2. 3 x back and forth with quiet block jump and backward shuffle3
. 2x side defense stance4
. Handwalk heavy (make long (stretch), walk on your hands to the front, 3 counts, back with your hands 1x push up again with your feet to your hands walk. And then one more time. (to the net and then calmly walk back to the backline)
5. Lunges, step out trunk resting to the left and right movement.
6. Rollercoaster in 2 groups who is first on the other side.
7. 3x 45 seconds planks (15 counts of rest)
8. 1 minute air cycling

Knee prevention:

  • Squats (2x12)
  • Lunges (12 each side)

Back/pelvis prevention:

  • Planks (side and straight plank) (20sec each)
  • Side stance and leg raises (15x each side)

Shoulder prevention:

  • Flat on the floor and arms at 90° and lift (15x)
  • 3 times to the net (forward and backward)
  • 3 times to the net, behind 3 metres, to the net and sprint back
  • 2 x back and forth knee lifts (left leg up, left arm up etc)
  • Heels/Buttocks upper body straight 2x back and forth
  • 2x back and forth sitting low in defensive stance sideways
  • 3x standing fast footwork 9 meters, then sprint to 3 meters


1 - dive to 3 metres
2 - attack jump with stroke movement
3 - block on mid and left 
4 - block at the same time as 3 block, get out and dive to the back line 2 times 
     (left, right)
5 - low defence to 6 over the backline
6 - sprint back
 3 times around

Loosen ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, neck, wrists

Abdominal exercises

sit ups, ankle taps, legs up, foot taps, knees to the left- sit ups, knees to the right- sit ups, hip cross over, Scorpion, planks left, planks right, planks

Play fanatically in pairs