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Volleyball drill: serve focused - game

Suitable for the following techniques: serving

Serve focused - game

  • Make pairs with 1 ball
  • Trainer puts pawns in different colors in the center of the field. As many as there are pairs.
Always aim at a certain side of the pawn, trainer indicates which side.
- To the right of the pawn - straight through
- To the left of the pawn - diagonal
- In front of the pawn -short
- Behind the pawn -deep

Successful task: Move the pawn 1 meter so that the area becomes smaller.
Unsuccessful task: Move the pawn 0.5 meter back so that the area becomes larger.

Challenge: To get your own pawn as close as possible to the corresponding line of the field.

  • Drawing is example for 'straight through' serve.
  • Serve 5 minutes, whoever then has the smallest field is the winner.

drawing Serve focused - game

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: