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Basketball drills for technique catching

  • Set-up. Two equal lines.
  • The first player in each line DOES NOT have a basketball.
  • The Activity - begins with the first player in line making a "V-Cut" at the baseline and pops back out to about 12 feet away from the basket and calls for the ball by showing ten fingers to player #2.
  • Player #2 passes the ball to player #1.
  • Player #1 shoots and gets his own rebound.
  • Player #1 then goes to the back of the line giving his ball to #4.
  • Since player#2 gave his ball to player #1, he now makes a V-cut to the baseline and the activity repeats itself.
  • Coaching Points- Catch and square up to the basket.
  • Passing - 50 Passes
  • Set-up - Two equal teams out on the court.
  • The Object - To make a total of 50 passes.
  • Does not have to be consecutive.
  • The Game - teams play keep away by passing the ball back and forth to team mates.
  • No dribbling is allowed.
  • First team to make a total of 50 passes wins.

Full court shooting and running. Condition and shooting

drawing Full court condition shooting
  • Four or more players are in a circle
  • One or two defenders are in the middle
  • The players wil pass to each other and the middle defenders try to catch the ball
  • Players in the circle cannot pass to the person directly next to him (because otherwise the ball will not go through the middle)
  • If the ball is catched, he will change place with the person who threw the ball
  • Repeat ten times
  • Any pass is legit
drawing Where is the ball
  • 5 man weave, 3  idplayers run the weave. 
  • Pass the ball, go round the outsude player, outside player moves in and becomes midplayer and soforth. 
  • Last 2 players that touched the ball become defenders. 
  • Defending 2 players in the court. 
  • One inbouncer. 
  • 3 against two full court.
  • A) Player with ball starts on baseline. 
  • One defender (E) weakside of the bucket low offensive end.
  • Pass the ball to pos. B, 
  • pos B passes to pos C. 
  • Pos C passes back to running (A) player. 
  • Player passes ball to the corner D.
  • D) Corner tries to score/lay-up via the baseline. 
  • Defender steps in and defends baseline. 
  • Player A comes in like a trailer and can get the pass if D has not scored yet.
  • Rotate every position, A becomes B, has to run back via other side court. E becomes A, B-C, C-D, D-E.


  • Depends on the number of balls. 
  • In pairs or alone
  • When alone:
    • Start at your position, dribble across the basket. 
    • Set or Jumpshot from your position (Guard, forward, center). 
    • Up to 8 points.
  • In pairs: 
    • Start at your position, pass to the opposite side of the basket. 
    • Last pass should be good so that shooter in jumpshot is ready for his/her shot. 
    • Up to 4 points per player. 
    • Losers: Slides over the width of the pitch, 1x back and forth.
  • 3 against 2 with passing every time. 
  • Help each other in defense when someone is free. 
  • The attackers learn to use a man advantage and to finish. 
  • Speed, precision, good passing and team play are necessary here.
drawing 3 v 2

Players gather on the right or left side of the center line.
The first two have a ball.
There are two catchers under the basket.
From the center line you dribble to the basket and make a lay-up.
The catcher catches the ball and passes it to the next player in line.
You do this until you have scored 15 times and then you change sides.

  • Outward, the classic weave is run.
  • Back, the weave is run up to the center line.
  • The next 3 players ready to run the weave catch the current 3 players half court and a 3 versus 3 situation is created from which a score must always be scored.
  • After the score, the newest 3 players run the weave and the next 3 will catch these players half court for a 3 versus 3.
drawing Weave with 3 Versus 3 situation
  • Everyone stands in a circle and start with 1 ball.
  • The first player calls out the name of the person he/she wants to pass to and only when he/she looks does the player give a pass of their choice; collision, chest, overhead.
  • If this goes well, you can differentiate to multiple balls.
  • Everyone stands back to back. 
  • The first one throws the ball against the board, the rest time well each time to catch the ball in the air and throw it against the board again,.
  • The 20th throws the ball into goal. 
  • Do this both right and left. 
  • They walk around cone or coach each time and rejoin at the back.
drawing rebound exercise