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Korfball drills

Series 1:
  • Walk-through ball without ball after tapping cone.
  • Dodge shot (left and right alternate).
  • Action inside;
    • Short handball and short chance (left and right alternate).
  • Throw ball from basket with backspin; run in behind and turn quickly; play ball and take evasive action for shot.

PAUSE: 4 minutes of shooting in light movement

Series 2:
  • Open left and walk through with ball
  • Open on the right and make a break for the shot (alternate between left and right)
  • Open left; basket comes out opposite; find and shoot
  • Open on the right; basket ends opposite; short-long and to the shot
Work alternately for 2 minutes.
drawing Warm-up with ball - shot
Per 6 at the basket:
  • 2 attackers with one defender each and 2 free attackers.
  • The attackers must try to get the ball into the basket.
  • This may only be done by an attacker with a defender.
  • After the attacker has stood up, the other attackers may go for the shot + 2nd chance.
  • How do I take away the support line?
  • What is the correct way to do this?

drawing Removal of aid
  • Around the basket are 4 hats at about 3 meters.
  • At 5 metres there are 4 hats of another colour.
  • In the small square stands the rebounder and outside the big square stands the shooter.
  • The shooter shoots from outside the lines and must hit 5 times.
  • The winner is the one who scores the 5 goals in the least number of turns.
  • The winner then plays against another winner and the loser against another loser.
drawing shot and rebound
  • Each pair a basket and a ball.
  • One of the two teams has a ribbon on his head.
  • So you have a team with and a team without a ribbon.
  • One player is the shooter and the other the catcher.
  • Alternately a player with a ribbon and a player without a ribbon stand under the basket.
  • We all start shooting at the same time.
  • When a goal is scored, you change places.
  • The team that is first under the basket has won.
  • So if all players with/without a ribbon are under the basket, you've won.
  • Players run one after the other in a "train" around the poles.
  • The last player tries to get in front.
  • If he succeeds, the next player goes.
  • Players continue until everyone has come from the back to the front.
  • First round at an easy pace.
  • Second round faster pace.
  • You have 5 active attackers in the field, 4 attackers and 1 defender.
  • The 4 attackers throw over and stay in motion, ball in hand is staying still.
  • The scapegoat may tap the person with the ball notThe attacker must look where the catcher is going and throw the ball.
  • The ball must be held as short as possible.
  • When one of the attackers is tagged, they change function (attacker becomes tag, and the tag becomes attacker).
  • Perform various tasks with each other under the basket:
    • 7 balls in front of the basket.
    • 7 penalty throw in front of the basket.
    • 5 shots in front of the basket.
    • 5 passes behind the basket.
    • 5 shots behind the basket.
  • Bottle football only throwing.
  • For each player there is one bottle filled with water.
  • You choose a teammate against whom you want to play and so put the two bottles opposite each other with a few meters distance. (The further apart they are, the more difficult).
  • You try to knock over your opponent's bottle.
  • If you succeed, your opponent must first take the ball and only then can you put the bottle back up.
  • You win if your opponent's bottle is empty.
  • Walk to the hats, tap the left hat, and tap the right hat and walk left for a dodge.
  • Next you do it the other way around, so first the right hat, then the left and then the right away for the dodge.
  • Per side you make 5x 5 series per person
  • Who scores more than 10(only 1 out of 5 hits)?
drawing dodge ball after a forced feint
  • Place a pawn at 2m, 3m, 4m, 6m and 8m distance from the basket.
  • Pairs at the basket, at each pawn shoot three times.
  • When you score a goal or after three missed shots you switch.
  • When you have scored, move one pawn further.
  • Which team reaches the 8m pawn first?
drawing 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 shooting
  • There are a number of hats all over the field, in different colours.
  • The coach calls out 'white', then all children must run as fast as possible to a white hat.
  • There is one hat too little for each colour, so the child who is not standing at a hat has to do an assignment of his own.

  • Examples assignment:
    • Run a circle.
    • Push-ups.
    • Jump 5x as high as possible.
    • Pull a sprint.
    • Score 2x at the basket.
  • Passing position and rebounder under the basket, attacker in front: (if with 4, a defender will run on the long line and give passive pressure).
    • Declarer plays a moving striker, who comes out with the ball.
    • Outgoing attacker gets the ball back.
    • Attacker runs long and shoots. (Pay attention that you run clearly in 2 lines, often there is a tendency to run in 1 line).
    • After the shot, fall inside for a walkthrough ball with one hand.
  • Shot inside is 2 points, pass ball is 1 point.
  • Goal is to score 20 points.
  • When reaching 10 points, change direction.
  • Crucial is the passing, and the 'attacking' of the ball by the shooter.
  • Two of you are responsible for a good pass.