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Korfball drills

  • Each player gets his own pipsack.
  • They are told an action by the trainer, which they perform.
  • This can be touching your head, sitting down and standing up quickly, etcetera.
  • As soon as Yes is called (or another action word), the piping bag can be taken.
  • Shot game in 2 form playing against the other baskets.
  • One of the two will shoot, when 2 times they score.
  • Call to your coach: Are you the fastest, then you have won and there is exchanged,
  • But not yet in possession of a point.
  • You earn a point if your partner is also the fastest to score twice.
  • So you earn a point if you win twice in a row.
  • Variation is possible by means of penalty throws, walkthroughs, number of goals, etc.
  • Players run/dribble around a set square. (poles/pawns, sufficient distance from each other).
  • Players are given a list of commands in advance, with a corresponding number.
  • The trainer calls out a number randomly, players carry out the assignment.
  • You can adjust the number of missions and the missions themselves.
  • Example of assignments.
    • Tapping the ground.
    • Jump in the air.
    • Sprint to the next pole.
    • 1 burpee.
    • Backwards as if you are defending until the next pole/pawn.
  • Player goes into pump-up position, with the ball in front of him.
  • Player leans on his left or right arm, with the other arm he will spin the ball around his supported arm, so 15, 20, 25,...depending on how good the player's condition is....


Set up attacks in overtime situations


  • Make sure the offense always has 1 more person than the defense (3-2, 4-3, 4-2 etc.)
  • Gives the offense a task:
    • E.g. score within 5 passes, score after setting up an action, score from the rebound.
  • Gives the defense a task:
    • E.g. intercept the ball within 5 passes, defend in front.
  • Decide if you can go for a defensive goal.
  • Indicate with cones where the lines are.
  • Agree when offense switches with defense:
    • After X minutes, after X goals, after X interceptions.
  • Make a circle at the level of your head on the wall (with sidewalk chalk)
  • Make the circle about the same size as a basket.
  • Now stand 3 or 4 meters away from the circle.
  • Now throw the ball with your left against the wall and catch it with your right hand.
  • Do this for one minute.
  • The ball must not bounce on the ground.
  • If it is too easy, stand further away or try to throw the ball faster. If the exercise is too difficult, try to catch the ball with two hands, but still throw with one hand
    • Or stand a little closer to the wall. (Outdoors exercise)
  • In pairs, carry the ball across the field by throwing it into the run of the other player.
  • Variation with 1 defender, with 2 defenders.
  • You stand on a large field.
  • You make 2 teams 1 team stands left behind the line and the other team right behind the line.
  • 1 big ball, lies in the middle of the field.
  • Each player has a ball.
  • They try to hit the ball from behind the line and roll it over the line of the opponent.
  • After throwing you pick up your own ball and stand behind your own line again, and you start aiming at the big ball again, until the ball has crossed someone's line.

Inshort: practise all kinds of forms of the shot from a supporting position.

Organisation: pairs per basket, always one person under the basket and one person in front of it. Change after about 1 minute.

a ) One person in front of the basket at about 6 meters, the shooter stands under the basket. The shooter starts away from the basket (backwards), gets the ball and shoots immediately. The striker catches the ball.

b ) As exercise a., but the shooter only threatens with a shot, lets the defender jump in and then continues with an "underhand pull ball": a kind of private penalty throw from about 5 meters diagonally behind the basket. The Germa-ball - so called by me after Germa Woldhuis of Nic. who had success with this on a regular basis - is practised here. The server catches the ball.

c ) The starting situation is the same, but the shooter now gets a defender with him (some pairs cancel each other out). The defender's task is to decide which of the two possibilities (a. or b.) the attacker will get: either he reacts deliberately too late (after which a shot must follow), or he follows the shooter too closely (thus giving the opportunity for an underhand draw). In exercises d., e. and f., the attacker plays free with one simple movement. An efficient way, which requires however a lot of technique (and thus practice).

  • Walking from line to line, trunk straight and with every step the knee should touch the ground.
  • This is done with a ball above the head and arms outstretched.
  • For more powerful athletes, this can be done with a heavier ball...
  • Stand with both feet on the Stability Trainer, halfway round,
    • Place it preferably 3 to 4 meters from the basket.
  • Now try to score as many goals as possible within a certain amount of time.
  • Sit on the floor with a ball in your hands.
  • Tuck your legs in so that you only have contact with the ground with your rear end
  • Now tap the ball from left to right as far as possible within a given time...