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Korfball drills for technique passing / attack

  • The ball is played to a moving lady at about 4 meters.
  • The person passing on determines whether the ball is placed to the left or to the right of the lady.
  • The passing must be tight and at eye level of the shooter. score 10x pp
  • Next, a defender comes to stand in front of the take-off lady.
  • Now you see that, if you do not keep the ball up, it will be difficult for the receiver to see it
  • So if you hold the ball up high, she can see which way you are going to pass and can therefore react properly
  • If she does not get free, check the position of the defender, make sure you are playable and the person taking the ball steps outagain
  • Again with the defender, but now you pretend to throw.
  • For the receiver, this is the signal that she must come for the breakthrough. score 10x pp


  • Who is the first to circle the ball or the player?


  • Everyone stands in a circle with enough space to throw a ball quickly.
  • The ball starts to the right of the child who is going to run.
  • The child who is going to run, runs at the same time as throwing the first ball on the outside of the circle.
  • Play 2:2, which pair scores 5 goals first. (We do this 2 times against another pair).
  • 4:4, where in a small space 10x must be played over, without the ball being intercepted or dropped.
  • If this exercise is too easy, you can play the ball within 4 seconds.
  • The most important thing in this exercise is that the players run free, complete in time and keep an overview.
  • This is an exercise in which you can increase the understanding of running free
  • Especially if you speed up the game. (which team will score first 3 times)
  • 3 or 4 players.
  • On 8 meters opposite each other.
  • Player 1 of the pair throws the ball to the other side and runs after it.
    • Throw over and run after it.
    • Player gets the ball back.
    • Player swings out of the way and gets the ball back underhand. (all with 1 hand).
    • Player makes half circle jump and plays ball back; player runs to the other side.
    • Player gets ball from number 2 from behind and plays ball to the other side.
  • Everyone in a circle or whatever.
  • Pass the ball around by throwing with two hands.
  • Pay special attention to the technique of throwing the ball.
  • When this has been done a few times you can switch styles, so for example with one hand.
  • Or perhaps above the head.
  • Alternate in this.
  • Run a round in pairs and pass the ball on the outstretched hand.
    • Look at the hand and give the ball exactly on that hand.
    • 1 round where you have to throw and catch with your right hand, while your partner has to do it with his left hand.
    • 1 round where you have to do it the other way around.
  • Line up at about 2 meters opposite each other.
  • You always start in front of your teammate and after 3 metres you get the ball on your outstretched outer hand.
    • You catch the ball with your outside hand and throw it back with that hand.
  • Depth line walk (in/out) you get the ball on the furthest hand and throw it back.
  • Then you run forward again, get the ball and throw it back with two hands to the hand of the side you are going to run from.
  • So you dodge to the right, and your team-mate gets the ball on the left.
  • 10 sprints over 12 metres in threes.
  • You play 3:3 or 4:4 in a space smaller than a korfball box.
  • You play with the 3 or 4 team 10 times over without the ball falling and without the ball being intercepted.
  • You always look for the free space as a team-mate who does not have the ball, so you can continue to play.
  • The 3 or 4 team is the first to pass the ball 30 times.
  • Play with a three or four around the pole.
  • Play everything with one hand.
  • With pairs about 2 meters apart.
  • One player runs from left to right.
  • 3 Metres past the receiver, she catches the ball with 1 hand and plays it back with 1 hand. (25x)
  • Now with opponent.
  • The caught ball is moved to the inner hand and you step along so that your body comes between the ball and the defender.
  • Then you throw back the ball. (25x)
  • Work in pairs.
  • You make an evasive move after playing the ball in, then place the ball back in and evade to the same side once more.
  • This is important in connection with clarity for the declarant.
    • Score 5x left swerve.
    • Score 5x right swerve.

  • With 3 or 4 combine in a room.
  • Everything with 1 hand.
  • Try to throw and catch with both left and right.
  • Keep moving in a steady pace.
  • After 5 minutes, repeat the exercise with a passive opponent
  • You have 2 teams and you have to play together to get the ball into the opponent's box.
  • Your opponents can cover you but they can also intercept
  • If this happens, the other team may attack and try to get the ball into the other team's box
  • Start with 2 attackers 1 defender
  • Attackers will throw over and the defender must try to intercept the ball
  • When the attackers have passed the ball 7 times a defender comes on
  • Then it is 2 against 2
  • If the attackers have passed the ball again 7 times, another defender comes on
  • If the defenders have intercepted 3 times, an attacker is added.