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Korfball drills for technique shoot / score / shot

  • You shoot at 6 metres in front of the basket.
  • The other one catches it.
  • The ball is played out again and the catcher runs away from the basket.
  • He gets the ball back and shoots at about 6 meters.
  • The person who catches the ball, plays off, runs away and gets the ball back and shoots.
  • Which pair will be first to score 10 times?
  • Shot game in 2 form playing against the other baskets.
  • One of the two will shoot, when 2 times they score.
  • Call to your coach: Are you the fastest, then you have won and there is exchanged,
  • But not yet in possession of a point.
  • You earn a point if your partner is also the fastest to score twice.
  • So you earn a point if you win twice in a row.
  • Variation is possible by means of penalty throws, walkthroughs, number of goals, etc.
  • Two numbers:
    • Who scores the most laps?
  • Number 1 is going to shoot, number 2 is going to catch.
  • The number 1 starts in front of the basket and will shoot 1 time on each side of the basket. (front, right, back, left)
  • If the number 1 shoots 50% of these 4 chances, he/she may start a new round.
  • The number 1 counts how many rounds he/she makes.
  • When not 2 of the 4 chances are hit, then there must be changed.
  • After 5 to 10 minutes, the player who has made the most rounds is the winner!
  • Too difficult:
    • Score once per round.
  • Variation:
    • Start the first round at 2 meter, then at 4, 6, 8 and 10 meter.
drawing Wheel of Fortune
  • You shoot at 6 metres in front of the basket.
  • The other one catches it.
  • The ball is played out again and the catcher runs away from the basket.
  • He gets the ball back and shoots at about 6 meters.
  • The person who catches the ball, plays off, runs away and gets the ball back and shoots.
  • Which pair will be first to score 10 times?
  • Per pole with 2 or 3 participants you start with 20 balls which are indicated from the space.
  • When 20 have been scored you and your pole continue with the next exercise.
  • 10 distance shots from the spot.
  • Scored?
  • Move on to 10 dodge balls.
  • Each team has to score these goals.

  • 2 or more players per pole.
  • Player 1 starts at 1 meter of the basket with shooting he/she will shoot 1 out of 2.
  • Every time you hit the target, you move back one meter.
  • If you miss at a certain distance twice in a row, the next one goes.
  • Goal from 1 meter 1 point, 2 meter 2 points, 3 meter 3 points etc.
  • Total 50 points per pole.
  • Make it more difficult by going up to 100 points etc.
  • Player in front of the basket places the ball to the right (the blue player) and walks to the left side.
  • At the pylon, she receives the ball from the blue player and she shoots out of motion.
  • The white lady catches the ball.
  • The passer becomes the shooter, the catcher becomes the receiver and the shooter starts to catch.
  • Score with 3 from the left 15 times and from the right 15 times.
drawing distance shot
  • In teams of 2 at the basket, 3rd player does secondary exercises.
  • Player 1 (attacker-rebounder) with ball under the basket, player 2 about 5 meters in front of the basket.
  • The shooter's assignment is to score 6 times from a shot.
  • After each shot, the shooter moves again, so everything must be done on the move.
  • The positions remain until someone actually has 6.
  • Then you rotate through (declarer --> rehearsal --> shooter --> declarer).
  • Always keep in mind that the distance rules must be maintained, especially when rebounding a shot that falls in front.
drawing Warm-up with ball - shot
  • One player for one minute
  • Place four hats around the basket at about 3/4 of a meter, one in front, one on the left, one on the right and one behind the basket.
  • The shooter starts in front of the basket.
  • The receiver stands with the ball under the basket.
  • The active player receives the ball and shoots, then walks directly to the next pawn next to the basket. Walk left for 1 minute and shoot on the move at each pawn.
  • After one minute, switch from catch to active player.
  • Do the same but walk to the right.


  1. Number 1 with the ball starts in front of the basket.
  2. Number 2 stands left or right in front of the basket.
  3. Number 1 throws to number 2 and then pulls away to the side where number 2 is not standing.
    • So number 2 is on the left side of the basket, number 1 walks to the right side of the basket.
  4. Number 2 throws the ball to number 1, after which number 1 shoots.
  5. Number 1 must catch his own ball.
  6. During the shot of number 1, number 2 sprints to the pawn, which is on a random spot on the field.
    • Place on the pitch depends on the child's level.
  7. If number 1 hits the ball, he/she gets one point, if number 1 catches the ball before number 2 reaches the cone, number 1 also gets one point.
    • so possibility of getting 2 points
  8. Change function.

  • The first to get 6 points wins (variation possible).
  • Is the sprinting too easy: add an extra pawn, which increases the sprint distance and for example makes a fast turn.

drawing Shoot and catch during the sprint competition
  • 1Minute
    1. Shot > 2
    2. Passage with ball > 4
    3. Shot > 1
  • 30 sec Bridge
  • When player executes exercise, players take penalty throw`.


In this exercise it is hugely important;
  • That the rebounder also continuously drops the ball quickly because 1 attacker starts at 6 or 7 meters with a dodge ball and immediately comes in for the through ball.
  • Then a shot behind the post and then a shot to the side.
drawing Shooting from motion