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Volleyball drills

  • In today's exercise, the following techniques will be used: serving, attacking, passing and distributing.
  • However, the emphasis is on the pass and the distribution.
  • The players have to watch, think well and react adequately during this exercise.

service-pass-and-distributionThe diagram looks more complicated than the exercise is. The exercise goes as follows (I keep the numbering of the red numbers):

  • 1 player 3 serves
  • 2a one of the two playmakers runs to the position at the right front (the playmakers take turns)
  • 2b one of the two passers (in this case player 2) passes the ball to the right front side
  • 2c player 3 (who has just served) runs to the backline of the other half of the game
  • 3 the server gives a setup to the player who did NOT pass. A setup to the centre if player 2 has passed and a setup to the outside if player 1 has passed.
  • 4+5 the player who did not pass attacks (in this case player 1)
  • 6a the attacker retrieves his own batted ball and joins the back of the line of serves.
  • 6b the attacker's place is taken by the first player in the row behind the court.

As soon as the ball is struck the next service is executed.

  • Group split into two groups of 5, field divided into two halves'.
  • on each side a bench on the back line with cones on it. (opposite sides)
  • 3 players leave on the back line, 1 reserve, 1 service on other side of the field.
  • A serve is given to the three players: reception - pass - touch over net.
  • when the player has played the ball the players walk to the side where the bench is: reception - pass - hit to the cones
  • Which team hits the most cones off the bench?
drawing Knocking pawns off the bench
  • Smurf tag is actually very similar to normal tag.
  • You have Gargamel who has to tag everyone.
  • Smurffin/Smurf has to free the ones who are touched.
  • When you are tapped you have to stand still on the spot and wait until Smurf/ Smurf frees you.
  • When Smurf/ Smurf is finished the game is over.
  • You let the children stand or sit in a row with their eyes closed so you can tap the Gamel and Smurf/Smurf.

You go in the running pass to the net and back to the back line.

  • To the net you swing your left arm forward and back to the baseline your left arm back.
  • Now you do the same as step 1 but with your right arm.
  • Now you go heel-toe, this means that your heels have to touch your buttocks, you do this with a straight back (chest out) and your hands behind against your buttocks. You do this with a straight back (chest out) and your hands against the back of your buttocks.
  • Now you are going to lift your knee, this is when you lift your knees to 90 degrees, the height of your hips. You do this with a straight back (chest out), towards the net and back to the baseline.
  • You are now going to do the sideways pass, this means that you look with your body to one side and move sideways. You do this in the same way as the shuffle. If you go from the net back to the baseline you turn around again.
  • Finally you do the cross pass, this means that you look with your body to one side and cross your legs, your arms move with you from left to right.
  • You stand about 3 meters from a wall, you do the attack run. (attack pass) Short-long- close pass (brake pass).
  • If you get too close to the wall with the brake pass, you have to look at how big your 2 previous passes were.
  • With the brake pass/ close pass you make sure your striking hand touches the wall (don't put too much force on it)
  • You take your arms with you, so with the short arms to the front, with long arms to the back, with the brake pass bring your arms up.
  • Pay attention:
    • Make sure you don't end up too close to the wall.
    • Or that you hit the wall with your face.
    • Also keep an eye on your technique and how your feet end up.

You go in the running pass to the net and back to the back line.

  • To the net you swing your left arm forward and back to the baseline your left arm back.
  • Now you do the same as step 1 but with your right arm.
  • Now you go heel-toe, this means that your heels have to touch your buttocks, you do this with a straight back (chest out) and your hands behind against your buttocks. You do this with a straight back (chest out) and your hands against the back of your buttocks.
  • Now you are going to lift your knee, this is when you lift your knees to 90 degrees, the height of your hips. You do this with a straight back (chest out), towards the net and back to the baseline.
  • You are now going to do the sideways pass, this means that you look with your body to one side and move sideways. You do this in the same way as the shuffle. When you go from the net back to the baseline you turn around again.
  • Finally you do the cross pass, this means that you look with your body to one side and cross your legs, your arms move with you from left to right.
  • with 3 teams, or else 2 teams:
  • throw the ball over, 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 2, 2 to 1. After 5 turns, 1 position.
  • Throw pass. 1 throw to 2, 2 pass to 3, 3 throw to 2, 2 pass to 1. After 5 turn overs 1 position
  • smash, pass variant
  • smash, pass, smash, pass
  • throw, pass, BH, pass, etc.

  • 2 3-players in the field, each their own half.
  • Trainer starts with smash.
  • Team of 3 handles ball and plays out rally.
  • Against the other team.
  • After 10 points, 3 teams rotate.

  • 1 player with ball at the net, 2 without ball on the 3 meter line.
  • Nets player plays ball BH halfway the field and no.1 shuffles backwards and plays back BH.
  • Then no.2. etc.
  • Change 3 times after that
  • 1 player at the net and 2 on the backline.
  • The net player passes to the net player on the 3 metre line. no.1 comes running and passes to the net player and then no.2.
  • 1 catcher at the net each side
  • 2 passers either side
  • 2 or 3 server both ends
  • Per group (server-passer-catcher) take turns serving.
  • Pass to SV/catcher Ball to OTHER server.
  • player 1 at the net midfield
  • number; players at mid-back with the ball
  • row of players on the left (or right) side in front
  • 2 corpses as disturbance/block on other side of the net
  • 2 players as defence at the other side of the net

  • player with ball throws to midfield
  • midfield puts up HIGH
  • left front attacks
  • if hitting fails: play smart over the net
  • if ball lands on the ground in the field you have a point
  • Defenders try to prevent this.
  • Everyone keeps on turning.
    • Tackle becomes playmaker
    • Defender joins the row of attackers
    • Attacker passes under the net and becomes 1st defender.
    • 2nd defender takes ball, passes under net and joins row of attackers

  • Divide the group in two with numbers 1 and 2.
  • The two groups stand at the back line each group has a ball on the other side of the field is a pawn.
  • The first person of the group walks with the ball and throws it over the net. `Takes the ball and goes around the cone and back again throwing it over the net and so the next player can start walking,