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Hockey drill: interfere with construction of own half

Suitable for the following techniques: attack defense dribbling

Interfere with construction of own half

: half field



  • Play direction of the game
  • Goals in the middle of the field to stimulate awareness of the context of the game (from where do I defend, where do I score?).
  • 1:1 : the trainer plays a ball to Orange 1 or Blue 2. Defender's goal is to prevent a goal and score himself.
  • 2:1 : The trainer plays a ball to Orange 1 or Blue 2. When Orange 1 gets the ball, Orange 3 can join in the playing field of Orange 1
  • Orange 1 and 2 play a 2:1 on Blue 4 (same if Orange 3 gets the ball (Section B)).
  • 2:2 : Same as 2:1, but if Blue 2 gets the ball, Blue 4 may join the attack in the section of Orange 1 (Section A).
    Tips on ball possession
  • Perform a feint when passing.
  • Cut in after the passing action; protect the ball from the defender.

Tips on non-ball possession

  • Find your opponent as quickly as possible.
  • Keep your stick on the ball.
  • Keep the opponent in front of you (on the forehand).
  • ps changeover

At loss of ball:

  • Put direct pressure on the ball handler, cut the shortest path to the goal.

On winning the ball:

  • Perform a quick action/goal attempt towards goals.
  • Making it easier
  • Change the start location regularly.

Make it more difficult

  • Vary the speed of throw.


Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: