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Volleyball drill: attack from the service pass and coordination block/defense

Suitable for the following techniques: attack passing serving

Attack from the service pass and coordination block/defense

  1. Trainer serves on 2 passers: passer/runner and libero.
    1. Player is ahead and has a choice of attackers at 1, 3 and 4.
    2. Opposite these are 3 blockers.
    3. Player at position 4 "blocks" on the playmaker and blocks supportively on the middle.
    4. If the attack goes to position 1, the blockers in position 3 and 4 jointly move outside.
    5. The service may be followed by a rally ball and over time a match can be played between attackers and blockers.
  2. Same as 1. only now the playmaker is behind.
    1. Blockers face the attacker 1 on 1.
    2. Player in position 4 therefore does not block along the middle.
drawing Attack from the service pass and coordination block/defense

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: