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Basketball drills for technique condition

  • 3 players per team
  • 1 player from each group stands on the baseline on each side with ball each time
  • 1 player starts in the middle and chooses a side to run to, then gets the ball from the baseline player and takes a shot
  • the player on the baseline who gave the pass runs to the other side to get the pass and take a shot.
drawing shot -condition
  • 3 Players.
  • 3 pylons in between the 3pt line and center line.
  • Coach shoots at the basket and the 3 players fight for the rebound.
  • The player who has the rebound dribbles around the middle pylon and returns to the board to finish.
  • Again the players fight for the rebound and the player who has the rebound goes around the middle pylon.
* 1 minute at high pace.
* The player with the most scores wins and the other 2 players 5 push ups.
drawing Transition, rebound, contest
  • First cone, close-out
  • Sliding to second cone
  • Run around the last cone
  • Grab ball
  • Lay-up
drawing slides
  • Starting lineup
    • 1 group left end line
    • 1 group middle end line
    • 1 group right end line
    • Balls in the middle
  • Progression:
    • Player in the middle passes to player left
    • Player on the left passes back to player in the middle
    • Player in the middle passes to the right
    • Player on the right does a layup and runs through to the other side
    • Player in the middle runs around the cone on the right side and returns that way
    • Player on the left takes the rebound and runs down the middle
    • Play the same to the other side
  • Progression:
    • No dribbles
    • Run the exercise 2 times in a row
    • Run the drill 3 times in a row
    • Right lay-up
    • Left lay-up
drawing Lakers lay-up drill
  • Starting lineup:
    • 5 players on one side of the field
    • 5 players on the other side of the field
    • 1 ball
  • Conduct:
    • Play 1 against 0
    • Play 2 against 1
    • Play 3 against 2
    • Play 4 against 3
    • Play 5 against 4
    • Games 5 against 5
  • Progression:
    • 30 seconds rest before the next session starts
    • Play this 5 times in a row until everyone has started once
    • Play 6 against 6 if there are 12 of us
  • Regression:
    • Play this 1 time
drawing 1 vs. 0 to 5 vs. 5
  • The ball starts in the middle.
  • The blue player stays in the middle and always grabs the rebound on both sides of the court. He passes the ball to the outlet.
  • The white player at the outlet passes the ball to the red player on the other side of the court and runs to the Free throw line.
  • The red player runs the layup and becomes the new outlet.
  • Blue grabs the rebound and passes to the outlet, red.
  • Meanwhile, the white player has run back to receive the ball from red and run a layup.
  • The blue rebounder makes sure the ball doesn't hit the floor!

    An intense drill for:
    - fitness
    - team building
    - perseverance
    - passing

    - make x number of scores
    - x number of scores in a row

    IMPORTANT: build well

    To make it easier:
    - Ball may bounce once on rebound anyway
    - The outlet may first set 1 or 2 dribbles before the long pass
drawing Side line fast break drill
  • The players are divided into 4 corners,
  • Every 2nd player in line has a ball.
  • 2 players start and run diagonally across the field.
  • At the 3-point line they receive the pass.
  • Front to goal, feint, crossover to the ring and connect in the opposite corner.
  • The passers in turn run diagonally to the other side.
drawing First step drill
  • Starting lineup:
    • 1 defender at the level of the free throw line
    • Rest of the players in the middle of the center line
    • Ball at the center line
  • Progression:
    • Player dribbles forcefully to in front of the free throw line and takes a shot
    • Defense moves but does not prevent the shot
    • Shotter takes own rebound and rejoins in the back
    • Defense stays standing x number of times
  • Progression:
    • Defense comes up
    • Offense does a crossover and takes a layup
    • Extra defender on the lay-up
drawing Shooting drill middle
  • 4 players stand fixed at the elbow of the bucket.
  • Other players stand in the 2 right corners of the court.
  • Get across in 2 give & go's, possibly with short dribble and finish with lay-up.
drawing Give & Go drill
  • Starting lineup
    • 1 group left end line
    • 1 group middle end line
    • 1 group right end line
    • Balls in the middle
  • Progression:
    • Player in the middle passes to player left
    • Player on the left passes back to player in the middle
    • Player in the middle passes to the right
    • Player on the right does a layup and runs through to the other side
    • Player in the middle runs around the cone on the right side and returns that way
    • Player on the left takes the rebound and runs down the middle
    • Play the same to the other side
drawing Lakers lay-up drill
  • Starting lineup:
    • 1 player sideline at free throw line level
    • 1 player baseline at the bucket
    • Players baseline with ball

  • Sequence:
    • Player baseline gives an arch pass to the player on the sideline
    • Player sideline catches the ball, sprints and makes a lay-up
    • Player baseline runs after player
    • After 10 minutes of free throws
    • Everyone baseline, 1 player makes a free throw
    • If missed, everyone except shotter runs to the center line and back

  • Progression:
    • Return with passive defense, step slide
    • Give player sideline less lead
    • Score 2 free throws in a row

  • Regression:
    • Giving player sideline more lead
drawing Competitive layups
  • Starting lineup:
    • There are as many teams as there are groups of 4
    • 1 player baseline on one side with ball
    • 1 player baseline on other side with ball
    • 1 player three-point line on one side
    • 1 player three-point line on other side

  • Conduct:
    • The players standing at the level of the three-point line walk to the other side of the field
    • There they receive a pass from the baseline player
    • Then they take a shot at the free throw line
    • The passer runs to the other side of the court to receive the ball there
    • The shotter takes own rebound and waits for the next player to come running in
  • Progression:
    • To first take 7 shots inside, then move on
drawing Shooting drill per 4