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Basketball drills for technique dribbling

Make sure all players have a ball
  • The player starts at the post next to the bucket.
  • Player dribbles to the basket
  • Variations:
    • The player stops on two feet = jumpshot
    • The player starts the two-count rhythm = lay-up
      • From the right side: first right foot, drop with left foot.
      • From the left side: first with left foot, then with right foot.
  • The player picks up his own rebound and dribbles around the pole.
  • The player zigzags through the posts.
  • The player then rejoins the line near the basket.
When there is a large group, this exercise can be done on both sides of the field.
  • Who is the first group to reach 20 scores, wins.
drawing Lay-up with zigzag poles (game form)
  • Player a does V-cut and gets ball from player b and stops in jump-stop.
  • He pivots (front left) with his left leg to the basket and gets into triple treath position.
  • After a fake shot, he leaves right-handed dribble, left leg big step past the cone to the basket for a lay-up.
  • Player c takes the rebound and goes to the other side for a shot at 45 degrees, after which he connects with the passers.
drawing Crossover + shot after dribble
  • One row on the baseline/corner and one row in the center circle with ball.
  • Pass to the corner and then run to the same corner and get the ball back at the post.
  • Then there are a number of possibilities such as open-step or crossover and 1 vs 0 to the basket.
  • Adjuster takes care of the rebound.
drawing 1 VS 0 with pass
  • 1 man attack - 1 man defend
  • 3 to 5 gates, centre gate 4 points, inner gates 2 points, outer gate 1 point, failed 0 points
  • 2 x 3 attempts, most points wins
drawing Shoulen
  • finger tip over head for chest cupboard.
  • around head, waist, knee
  • make between legs
  • release ball between legs and change hands to catch without impact.
  • throw ball behind back over shoulder left right.
  • 10x right dribble 10x left dribble. pushing hard on the ball and not looking at the ball.
  • 2x right cross to left 2x left cross ... Don't look at ball
  • Dribble an 8 through the legs and keep the ball low.
  • Keep dribbling the ball behind your back.
  • Dribble between the legs front and back




  • free play on 1 or 2 baskets,
  • depending on the number of players.
  • NO dribbles only passing.
  • The teacher chooses 2 tickers.
  • They have to stay inside their box (inside the 4 pawns) and knock the basketballs away from the runners when they want to cross.
  • The runners have to dribble to the other side without losing their basketball.
  • If a runner doesn't have his basketball with him, he's out and he automatically becomes a ticker.
  • A tip that you can give to the runners is that they should shield the ball with their body.
  • This means staying between the ball and the opponent.
  • The pupils may only cross again when everyone has been tagged or has reached the other side.
  • In the end, as the game progresses, you get more and more tickers and less and less runners.
  • The last remaining runner is the winner.




  • dribble over and over again right hand
  • dribble over and left hand again
  • low dribble over and right again
  • low dribble over and to the left
  • high dribble over and right again
  • high dribble over and left again
  • protection dribble with a hand change every 2 or 3 dribbles (2 times over and over)
  • quick dribble over and over again with crossover at the free throw centre and free throw line.

  • wave-9
    With 3 men on the back line and the middle one has the ball
  • The middle passes to a man and runs after the ball
  • The man in the middle passes to the man on the other side, who also runs after the ball.
  • They do this while running to the basket on the other side.
  • When someone is close enough to the basket, the man runs a lay-up.
  • He becomes the defender and the other two attackers must try to reach each other with a long ball.
  • The goal of the defender is to prevent the attackers from scoring.
  • If the attackers do not manage to score, they must do 5 push-ups.




players must be able to individually defend the man with the ball Â- players must be able to dribble


Set up kick directly over the center line.


2 against 2 across the longitudinal half Â- losers must defend in the next round Â- the dribbler must be over the centre line within 4 seconds (the trapper counts down)

the trapper moves aggressively towards the half way line just before the dribbler crosses it (but due to his speed and the position of his defender is not able to change direction) Â- the trapper widens himself, but moves the foot closest to the touchline backwards slightly, so that he can close the touchline with 1 or 2 slides Â- the dribbler must never pass between the two defenders

As soon as the dribbler grabs the ball, the trapper stays with it Â- the other defender sprints towards the free attacker

Teaching Points:

defender forces the dribbler to the side, but must keep an appropriate distance, taking into account the dexterity and speed of the dribbler Â- defender must force the dribbler to move at high speed along the touchline to the attacking half


left and right