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Volleyball drills

  • The team is divided into groups of 6.
  • 4 children serve, 2 children catch.
    • The children stand up one by one (start short, as it gets better we stand up further and further).
    • On the other side of the net are 2 children who must catch the ball. They have to call out if they want to catch it.
    • We do this 5 times, then we pass. (Children who catch the ball will serve, 2 of the serving children will catch the ball.
  • When we get it right, we'll take it a step further.
    • The child that does not catch the ball walks to the net (place will be indicated) and stands crosswise to the net.
    • Child who caught the ball throws it in a curve to the child who stands at the net and this child catches the ball overhand and rolls the ball back to the server.
    • This is done 5 times and then the ball is passed to the other players.
  • When we get it right, we'll take it one step further.
    • Same as last exercise but this time the one who goes to the net doesn't roll the ball back but throws it overhand to player 2.
    • who in the meantime also walked to the net (place will be indicated).
    • He catches the ball and rolls it to the server.
    • This is done 5 times, after that the ball is passed to the other players.
  • When we get it right, we'll take it one step further,
    • Then the ball is not rolled back, but played overhand over the net.

  • Two pairs are made.
  • The players face each other. Player with ball has his back against the net, player without belly is in the middle of the square.
  • Player with ball knocks on the ball, at this moment the player at the back stands up quickly because the ball is thrown into the field and must be caught overhand or underhand.
  • The ball is thrown back to the player at the net in an arc underhand/overhand and starts over.
  • We do this 5 times each.

We stand in a large circle (+/- 8 to 10 players). We agree on an exercise for each player in the beginning of the year. We do this exercise every practice, so it is up to each player to remember his exercise (in the beginning I help with this). When this player is at the training we do this exercise. The order of the exercises depends on the way the players stand.

  • 10 squats
  • 15 counts plank
  • 10 pumps
  • 15 jumping jacks
  • 10 lunges each leg
  • 10 sit-ups
  • 15 arm twists forward
  • 15 arm twists backwards
  • 5 knee to chest jumps
  • 5 burpees

After this we will stretch independently.

  • blue:
    • Passing underarms to each other over the net.
    • duration: 2 minutes
    • 5x push-ups, 15 sit-ups.
  • white:
    • Pass underarm under the net.
    • duration 2 minutes
    • 8 push-ups 20 sit-ups
  • Red:
    • Both standing on a 7 meter line. Play the ball underarms to a 3 meter line in front of you, over the net on the 7 meter.
    • duration 2 minutes.
    • 5x push-ups 15 sit ups

drawing warming up with volleyball technique
  • blue:
    • pass underarms to each other over the net. duration: 2 minutes
    • 5x push-ups, 15 sit-ups.
  • White:
    • pass underarms under the net. duration 2 minutes
    • 8 push-ups 20 sit-ups
  • Red:
    • both standing on 7 meter line. play underarms to 3 meter line in front of you, overhead over the net on the 7 meter. 2 minutes.
    • 5x push-ups 15 sit ups
  • Green:
    • Player with ball at the net. Hits defender, who passes ball back, then hits defender.
    • change after 10 times.


playmakers and libero:

  • libero goes to position 5.
    • 1 distributor stands on position 2/3.
    • 1 player stands at position 4 (next to the basket) and plays the ball to the libero.
    • ==> to position 2/3
    • ==> set-up in the basket. after 10 balls distributors change.
      • set-up forward both 2x
      • set-up backwards both 2x
      • libero set-up forearms 20balls own choice forwards
      • libero set-up forearms20 ballsbackwards. (other player will throw the ball)

other half

other players:

  • Make threes.
    • 1ballper trio. Line up on the backline.
    • Number 1 has the ball. Play the ball overhand backwards to number 2 and so on.
    • Number 1 stays behind until you reach the net.
    • 3 times get the net without dropping the ball.

2. pass the ball underarm to each other in a triangle.




  • 2 passers on position 5/6 and 1/6, 1 reserve passer behind the field.
  • 1 playmaker on position 2/3.
  • 1 attacker on position 4.
  • Other half:
  • 2 blockers.
  • Libero at position 5.
  • 2 servers on the backline.

Turn over:

  • player serving the ball becomes reserve passer
  • ==> becomes passer
  • ==> passer who passes the ball
  • ==> attacker
  • ==> out blocker
  • ==> outside blocker
  • ==> middle blocker
  • ==> server.

GOAL: Do not be afraid of the blocker and just hit the ball. You can hit the ball straight on or diagonally. The blocker closes the straight on but if you see a hole you can hit it there too.


  1. after 2 minutes a change of playmaker
  2. after 2 minutes change of play-distributor ==> libero starts to distribute the game. one center will defend on position 5
  3. after 2 minutes change of play-distributor 1 again. and attack backwards. After two minutes playmaker 1 switches to blocking and attacks backwards.
  4. After 2 minutes distributor 2 starts distributing the game.
  5. after 2 minutes libero starts to distribute --> the center starts to defend on position 5.
  • Storage -> reception -> pass to 4 (diagonal) alternating with 2 (street) -> defence with 2
  • Variant: attack on 4 (street) alternating with 2 (diagonal) 7
  • Receptionists always turn around
  • After 2 good actions turn around
drawing 1


  • Player A throws ball over the net.
  • Player B or C passes the ball over the net.
  • The other player quickly runs under the net and sets up the ball for the same player who passed.
  • This player tries to get a pawn off the bench with overhand play or a hitting move.

Which pair or team has knocked the most pawns off the bench after X number of minutes?

  • Grouping into 2 groups,
  • Each group gets a small mat and the opponents must try to hit the mat with a ball.
  • If they hit the mat they get a point.
  • If the mat falls, the opponent gets a point.
  • free ball is brought in by reception player
  • then the pass is given
  • and the attacker attacks in a defined zone.
  • Point system:
    • out: -1,
    • net: -1,
    • in: 0,
    • inside the box: +2
  • Free ball -> pass -> diagonal attack:
    • 3 blockers,
    • 2 defenders who choose between 5/6 or 1/6
    • and 2 attackers on 4 and 2 who attack diagonally.