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Volleyball drills for technique warming-up

  • give each other the right arm and bend the knees to sitting position.
  • idem left arm


  • pairs shake hands crossed (see picture) and bend the knees to sitting position.


  • 3 to 4 players per side, positions: 4, 5 and a playmaker (if sufficient players, also defend on position 6 and 1) 
  • pass ball around
  • defend to playmaker, set up to position 4
  • pass to other players
  • after every ball that is too high, rotate position
  • start calmly with technical hit, and if this works, increase speed and difficulty.
  • communication is important so speak to each other and help each other if necessary. 
  • The purpose of the game is cooperation, and the emphasis is not on scoring.
  • Team of both sides field end line.
  •  enter the field in pairs. 
  • Trainer brings ball into the field and pairs have to try underhand to score with the other pair 
  • Winning the pair remains and lost pair joins the back of the line. 
  • Team with the least balls on the ground wins. 
  • Make trios with 1 ball
  • 2 players are at the net opposite each other.
  • The third player has the ball, and throws it above the net rim.
  • The two blockers will now duel 
  • Play with points and ranking within the team.

Goal: warming-up in trios by means of  a pepper (pass/set-up/attack) in which players need their attention and concentration.

  1. player B attacks on A, walks on, joins behind player A
  2. player A gives pass to C
  3. player C gives set up on A
  4. and again

  • Player A attacks on C, walks on, following the ball, and joins after player C...etc....


  • You can then still vary, 
    • walk on to pass and 
    • walk on after set up. 
  • The players have to keep thinking and find a new rhythm
  • tip: when a trio thinks it is too hard, let them name the action out loud... pass/setup/attack and on ....


Stretching the shoulder belt to prepare for volleyball movements.


Repetitions:In total, do 3 series of 5 repetitions. In between series, you take a few seconds rest.  


  • Stand with your back towards the net at half a meter, and place your feet at hip width.
  • Make yourself long with your hands above your head.
  • Make your back hollow with your arms reaching backwards and then touch the net with your finger tips.
  • Mildly stretch the front side of your breast and shoulders.
  • Do this in high tempo but controlled.

  In total, do 3 series of 10 repetitions. In between series, you take a few seconds rest.

Put the coordination ladder in the middle of the field.

Build up slowly, and players have to go as fast after each other as possible
through the ladder. But safe. If you see they follow each other too quickly, call the players yourself one by one.

Exercise 1
player 1 place both feet in one box but not at the same time, but 1 by 1.
So for example first left and right in box 1, and then left and right in box 2. And as fast as possible.

Exercise 2
Zigzag side-step
player 1 is standing next to the first box.
1 player puts right foot in the box and then left, then right foot out and left out.
2 then with left in box 2 followed by right
3. with left besides box 3, followed by right and then right in box 3 followed by left, and then right out the box again followed by left etc... until the end of the ladder

Exercise 3
In Out
player 1 puts the left foot in the first box and closes with right foot.
player 1 puts the left foot outside box 2 left of the box and right foot outside the 2nd box right of the box.
And back 1 by 1 in box 3, until the end of the ladder.


Hip rotation feet on the ground.

  • Lying on your back with the arms spread to the side, knees bent and toes towards the shins.
  • Let the knees fall to the left and hold for 2 seconds.
  • Move back to the center line and let them fall to the right.
  • Do this 5x per side
  • Attention points
  • Shoulders have to keep on the ground, knees together.
  • pull in your navel and knees cannot touch the ground.

Hip rotation feet of the ground.

  • Almost the same as last exercise but now the upper legs are in a right angle to the hip.
  • And the knees in an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Now, let fall 3x per side, but the knees still not touch the ground.


  • Lie on your stomach with the arms next to your body.
  • Move your right foot to your left hand and reverse. 4x per side.
  • stand up, and loosen up from top to bottom.
  • Start with the neck to shoulder, arms, hips (already loosened up), knees and ankles.

Players divided over two sides (max 6 per side on the long side line)

  • begin with easy running around own side. (side line -net line-side line-back line)
  • after 3 rounds, the trainer is going to assign tasks.
  • This is done on the net line and end line on the side line kids keep running.
    1. closing step (sideways)
    2. cross step (sideways)
    3. knee lifting (forward)
    4. Heels/buttocks.
    5. Rotate right arm forward
    6. Rotate left arm forward
    7. Rotate right arm backwards
    8. Rotate left arm backwards
    9. take a sprint.
  • Kids keep the balloon up and have to listen to the trainer. If the trainer claps 1x, the kids have to hit the balloon with the right hand (left foot forward, other hand is pointing). Clapping 2x hit left hand (right foot forward, other hand pointing)
  • Kids are randomly walking over the field. When the trainer calls, they have to find a friend as fast as possible. They stand 4 steps away of each other, and calmly hit the balloon to each other (correct foot forward, pointing). This is how the kids change balloons. Balloon is caught overarm or underhand.
    • Idem but with regular ball. They do not hit straight, but to the ground (wrist hit). Catch overarm
      • Idem but pluck from the air and catch overarm
      • Idem but pluck from the air, control, and throw back to the other (kids each have their own ball)

Set up net and stretch


  • Line 1 players ready to stop ball
  • Line 2 players behind trainer with ball
    • Front player puts ball in hands trainer and joins line 1
  • Trainer rolls ball and player from line 1:
    • Stops ball with right hand
    • Stops ball with left hand
    • Stops the ball with the foot
    • Runs around and sist in front of the ball, and lest ball roll between the legs
    • Runs around and lies down in front of the ball and holds the ball still with stretched arms
  • High tempo!

Stomach muscle exercises:

20 x up, 20 x up, hold, 10 x up in 3 steps, 10 x up in 7 steps

10 x squats, 10 x burpies, planking, push ups

Practice fanatically

Rally pass, underhand and overarm

  In the matches, these are the balls which are easily played over the net by the opponent. It is important to optimally use the chances offered. The pass has to be perfect and to achieve that requires a lot of practice. The warming up is very suited for this.
The adjacent drawing is divided in 3 phases, A, B, and C, but all are about the same pair.
At A, 1 has the ball and 2 is at the 3 meter line. 1 plays the ball (1) with an arch in the back field, and 3 moves to the back.
At B, 2 has arrived in the back field and plays the ball (2) back to 1, who is still at the net, and walks back to the 3 meter line. 1 plays the ball (3) again to the 3 meter line, in such a way that 2 can get under it
At C, 2 plays the ball (4) back to 1 again and moves to the back again, and plays the ball (5) in the back field again.
Pay attention that players always get behind the ball and that they are in balance when playing the ball. In the back field, the trajectory of the pass player 2 plays can be flatter, so the ball is a bit faster at 1. The short ball needs to be high, so the playmaker (in the match) has the time to get under the ball and deliver the perfect set up to score the point.
You can do the exercise overarm or underhand. In both exercises, you have to play overarm at the net.
Demand all balls to be perfect! These are the chances offered and you have to seize them
When passing overarm, pay attention to:
  • the ball is caught before and over the head
  • and that movement is right and no correction from the back is needed to play the ball before and above.
  • at the net, the ball is played more over the head to keep the ball at your own side of the net
When passing underhand, pay attention to:
  • the ball is played within the body
  • movement is right, and there is no correction by passing with the arms outside the body
  • in the back field, the arms can point a little more to the ground to give the ball more speed
  • at the net, arms parallel to the ground to play the ball up and that the ball remains above their own side during playing
  • warming-up-94