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Basketball drill: stations

Suitable for the following techniques: shooting dribbling defense attack


  • Split players into groups of 5
  • Normally have 2 or 3 baskets available
  • For example, switch every 7 minutes
Basket 1
  • Shooting game
  • 2 teams or 3 teams from the free throw line
  • Everyone a ball
  • The loser(s) do pushups
Basket 2
  • 1x1
Basket 3
  • Shooting game with 5 positions
  • 2 teams, shoot around (only if you hit the target, move to the next position)
  • Start on position 1 and 5, loser does killer run
Basket 4
  • Dribble skills (1-2 pawns)
    • Over the pylon (do not take it with you, keep control, from left to right, 1 hand behind your back)
    • Lift pylon with left hand, dribble with right hand (throw pylon, catch with other hand)
    • Left/right and touch pylon (timer, counting) - hand that releases the ball must touch pylon (low position, defend the ball)
    • 2 cones, dribble left, touch right
    • 2 pawns (8 dribble with 1 hand)
Station 5 dribble skills (row of pawns)
  • Zigzag around the pawns, low dribble, back and forth (tempo)
  • Variant: low dribble, feet on both sides of the pawns, cross after every pylon
  • Low dribble, always touching the according pawn - stay in control, stay on the same side (dribble left, touch pawn with right)

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: