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Soccer drill: taking on, dribbling, cowering, pass, free running, taking on and kicking

Suitable for the following techniques: dribbling shoot

Taking on, dribbling, cowering, pass, free running, taking on and kicking

  • S1 gives pass to S2.
  • S2 dribbles to cones, makes 1x sharp angle, gives pass to S3.
  • S3 runs free, gets ball and finishes on goal.

  • With fixed goalkeeper then it stays, without goalkeeper then trapper takes the place of goalkeeper.
  • Goalkeeper goes rebound and handler takes ball and slides on, S1 goes dribbling.
  • Exercise can be done in two directions.
drawing Taking on, dribbling, cowering, pass, free running, taking on and kicking

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: