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Handball drills for technique strength

  • Make 2-pairs.
  • Player A performs running exercises, player B performs strength exercises.
  • When player A is back from run, switch by hand tapping.
Strength circuit. Each exercise 3x:
  1. Squads.
  2. Jumping Jacks.
  3. Lunges.
  4. Planking.
  5. Bences.
  6. Up and down legs bench.
  7. Standing on 1 leg, hopping, 3 seconds and then the other leg.
Running circuit:
  1. 3 lines; quarter/half/end of hall, run with ball.
  2. Sprints 50%, 75%, 100%.
  3. Slide sideways back and forth length hall 3x.
  4. Walk backwards back and forth length hall 3x.
  5. Three passes forward, two passes backward length hall 3x.
  6. Short acceleration runs from 25% to 100% at 75% hall.
Each round is 3x with a max of 3 minutes.
  • At 3 spots(LO/MO/RO) place a dummy or poles with vests.
  • Players approach from 1 side, get the ball and after 2 steps from the 2nd line they finish 3 times with:
    • High stretch/ swing shot.
    • Underhand shot.
    • Articulated shot.

  • Have left-handed players start on the right.
  • Focus on ball control.
  • Lots of repetitions.
Players stand in pairs in a plank position facing each other.
  • Roll 1 ball, right hand to right hand, left hand to left hand.
  • Tip to each other.
  • Throw over without the ball touching the ground.
This exercise focuses on accelerating in the run while looking carefully around you.

  • The team divides into 2 numbers that are about the same speed.
  • The 2-tals divide on the outside lines of the hall.
  • At the start, the 2-counts run one behind the other, front is the runner and back is the ticker.
  • At the whistle, the pairs sprint to the opposite line/corner and the ticker tries to tick off the runner.
  • Are you tapped? Press down 5 times. Did you escape? 5 x push-ups for the other person.
  • From the left and right set-up positions, two ladders are laid out diagonally.
  • The group is divided over the ladders, the goalkeeper stands on goal.
  • The group on the left hand side starts with the ladders.
  • After the last ladder they make a zero pass and finish on goal with a jump shot.
  • When the first of the left group has reached the halfway point, the first of the right group starts.
  • Variation in the laddering:
    • 2 legs high speed through the ladder
    • 2 legs in the ladder, then out ( jump )
    • 2 feet on the ladder, 2 feet next to the ladder (dribbling).
    • 2 passes to the front 1 to the back
  • You can also place a passive defender for the players to shoot over.
drawing ladder and zero axis
  • Everyone makes pairs and stands on the back line.
  • Number 1 of the pair runs at about 70/75% to the back line and back again.
  • Number 2 of the pair does a power exercise.
  • When number 1 taps number 2, they switch.
  • Then number 1 does a power exercise and number 2 runs.

  • Strength exercise:
    • Squats
    • Jumping jacks
    • Planks
    • Wall sit (in the hall)
    • Arms circling
    • Lunges
    • Dribble on the spot
    • Sit ups
  • Goalkeeper in goal
  • Rest of the players have a ball
  • Player stands on the build-up positions
  • Picks up the ball and throws at goal
  • After attempting a goal, sprint around the pawn to the sideline
  • Sprint to the middle line, fetch the ball and join the other sides
  • Middle li/re high li/re middle li/re low diagonal bounce free

drawing goalkeeper throw-in with condition factor 1
  • Jump where you stand:
    • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
    • Focus on a point on the floor and hop up and down where you are standing.
  • Side Jump:
    • Stand up straight, keeping your hands in front of you, and jump from side to side.
  • Butt Kicks:
    • Stand up straight, and keep running standing in place while shooting your heel up touching your buttocks with each step.
  • High Stepping:
    • Raise the leg with the knee at a 90-degree angle.
    • Alternate quickly with the other leg.
  • Standing bike crunches:
    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Bring your knee to your opposite elbow.
    • Return to starting position and repeat with the other side (abdomen/legs).
  • Sumo squat:
    • Stand with feet 6-12 inches apart.
    • Extend arms in front of you.
    • Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
    • Return to starting position and repeat (legs / buttocks)
  • Jumping rope without a rope:
    • Hold your arms at your side as if you were holding the end of a jump rope in each hand.
    • Jump up and come down on the ball of each foot, alternating between twisting your wrists as if you were spinning a rope.
  • Jumpingrope without a rope:
    • Keeping your arms at your sides, pretend you are holding the end of a jump rope in each hand.
    • Jump up with 2 feet, while simultaneously twisting your wrists as if you were twirling a rope.
  • Arm Swings clockwise:
    • Stand on the floor with your arms extended straight out to the sides at shoulder height.
    • Move your arms rapidly in a clockwise motion in large circles (arms)
  • Arm Swings counterclockwise:
    • Stand on the ground with arms extended straight out to the side at shoulder height.
    • Move your arms quickly in large counterclockwise circles (arms)
  • Toy soldiers:
    • Start with feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your legs and arms extended.
    • Kick your left leg up until your right hand touches your toes.
    • Repeat with the other side (stomach/legs/arms/shoulder).


  • Goalkeeper in goal
  • Rest of the players have a ball
  • Player stands on the build-up positions
  • Picks up the ball and throws at goal
  • After attempting a goal, sprint around the pawn to the sideline
  • Sprint to the middle line, fetch the ball and join the other sides
  • Middle li/re high li/re middle li/re low diagonal bounce free

drawing goalkeeper throw-in with condition 2
  • Goalkeeper in goal,
  • Rest of the players have a ball.
  • Players stand at build-up position
  • LO: jumps with both legs over the racks and throws at goal
  • RO: first do the speed ladder and throw at goal
  • After attempting to get the ball and connect other sides again.
  • Mdden- li/re high-li/re middle- li/re low- diagonal-bounce- free

drawing goalkeeper throw-in with condition 1
  • Goalkeeper in goal
  • Rest of the players have a ball
  • Player stands on the build-up positions
  • Picks up the ball and throws at goal
  • After the attempted goal, sprint around the pawn to the sideline
  • Sprint to the middle line, then fetch the ball and join the other sides.
  • Middle li/re high li/re middle li/re low diagonal bounce free

drawing goalkeeper throw-in with condition 2

Make 2 pairs

  • Setting out the route
    • 5 exercises
    • Do 1 minute exercise
    • Then switch and do the other exercise.
    • Then move on.
  • Exercises:
    1. Ladder with ball in your hand (keep your arm high), back and forth.
    2. T sprint, with pawns set out a T.
      • Sprint from pawn 1 to pawn 2
      • Then move sideways to the left to pawn 3
      • Then move sideways to pawn 4
      • Back to the sidewalk to pawn 2
      • Then backwards to pawn 1
    3. Skipping rope
    4. From sideline to sideline put down pawns.
      • Slalom dribble with the ball.
    5. Front lunges pass between 2 cones.
      • Put your foot forward and in a 90 degree bend.
      • Ball between legs from hand to hand
      • Then the next foot forward and pass the ball under the legs again.
      • Keep the tension on your legs.